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For historically important artists whose last name begins with the letter 'W'.
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  • Sites in the main letter categories will be listed with the artist''s name (Surname, First Name) as the site title.
Canadian artist best known for his large-scale back-lit cibachrome photographs and art-historical writing
(1928-1987) American artist and filmmaker, born as Andrew Warhola. The leading exponent of the pop art movement, Warhol chose his imagery from the world of commonplace objects such as dollar bills, soup cans, soft-drink bottles, and soap-pad boxes. He is variously credited with attempting to ridicule and to celebrate American middle-class values by erasing the distinction between popular and high culture. Monotony and repetition became the hallmark of his multi-image, mass-produced silk-screen paintings: for many of these, such as the portraits of Marilyn Monroe and Jacqueline Kennedy, he employed newspaper photographs. From
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(Jean) Antoine Watteau (1684-1721), was a French painter, one of the outstanding artists of the rococo period

(1852-1919) Julian Alden Weir. American Impressionist painter born on August 30, 1852 at the Military Academy at West Point.

Sites submitted here will provide information relevant to J. Alden Weir. Before submitting your site, please first review the Art_History/Arts Guidelines, since these pertain to all listings in this category.

Benjamin West was the first American artist to achieve an international reputation.
Charles Wheeler was the first sculptor to be elected President of the Royal Academy.
American expatriate painter, 1834-1903.
Sir David Wilkie (1785-1841) is a Scottish painter, famous for his portraits.
Richard Wilson was a Welsh landscape painter, and one of the founder members of the Royal Academy in 1768
Thomas Woolner RA (1825-1892) was born at Hadleigh, Suffolk, and came to London in 1838, where he studied sculpture under William Behnes. He attended the Royal Academy Schools from 1842, and first exhibited in 1843. Through Rossetti met William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais, and agreed that their views on art were applicable to sculpture, so he accepted membership of the Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood in 1848 - the only sculptor to be a member. He was also a poet, and contributed to the Pre-Raphaelite magazine 'The Germ'. Some six years later he left for Australia to seek a wealthier life, and his Pre-Raphaelite brothers drew a famous collection of portraits of each other to send to him. He returned to England in 1854 with an enhanced reputation, and became popular as a sculptor of intellectuals - such s Wordsworth, Tennyson, Browning, Gladstone and Darwin. He married Alice Waugh on 6 September 1864, later becoming William Holman Hunt's brother-in-law when Hunt married Edith Waugh in 1875. He was elected to the Royal Academy in 1875, and was Professor of Sculpture there from 1877 to 1879. He also did occasional architectural such as the Manchester Assize Courts. Woolner died on 7 October 1892, when he had a seizure and died almost instantaneously. He is buried at Old Hendon Churchyard.
Please submit only sites relating to the life and work of the Pre-Raphaelite sculptor Thomas Woolner RA (1825-1892).
Joseph Wright of Derby (1734-1797) is an English Romantic artist.
James Wyatt was an English architect who became the president of the Royal Academy.