Sites that focus on selling crafts should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory of Shopping: Crafts.
Sites focusing primarily on craftwork businesses should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory of Business: Consumer Goods and Services or Business: Wholesale Trade.
Noncommercial craft sites should be submitted to the most appropriate subcategory of Arts: Crafts.
Sites listed here will offer information and display the artwork of Individual Artisans working with multiple crafts. If the site focuses on a particular craft, please navigate to the best subcategory.
For sites that are selling artwork, please suggest to the most appropriate subcategory of Shopping/Crafts.
Sites offering business services should be suggested to Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/Crafts/Sites listed here must be available in English. Non English sites would belong in appropriate language category in World.
Sites that offer baskets and basket goods for sale should be submitted to Shopping: Crafts: Baskets or Shopping: Crafts: Supplies: Basketry.
Please submit sites that offer seed bead type products for sale to Shopping: Crafts: Beading or Shopping: Jewelry: Bead and Gemstone for bead jewelry. If all the items are individually handcrafted by the site owner artist then submit instead to Shopping: Jewelry: Handcrafted: Bead and Gemstone.
If your site sells wholesale candle supplies then submit your site to: Shopping/Crafts/Wholesalers .
If your site sells finished candles to the general public which are personally handcrafted by you, then submit your site to: Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Accessories/Candles/Handcrafted/ .
If your site resells finished candles then submit your site to: Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Accessories/Candles/ .
This category is for sites about Ceramic Art and Pottery. It will contain sites for individual artists as well as those covering educational and infomational topics about the craft. Also included: non-commercial galleries, organizations, magazines, working potteries (those not selling products on-line), and resource sites.
Ceramics and ceramic art in the art world means artwork made out of clay bodies and fired into the hardened ceramic form. Some ceramic pieces are classified as fine art, while many others can be classified as one of the decorative, industrial or applied arts (the application of design and aesthetics to objects of function and everyday use).
Pottery is the ceramic ware made by potters. In everyday usage the term is taken to encompass a wide range of ceramics, including earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain. The places where such wares are made are called potteries.
Sites listed here will provide information about the craft of Ceramic Art and Pottery and will cover a variety of topics such as individual artists, organizations, magazines, history of the craft, non-commercial galleries/studios, etc. Please take the time to locate an appropriate sub-category. Sites focused on selling artwork will not be listed here and should be suggested to either Shopping/Crafts/Ceramics or Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Accessories/Pottery. Sites that focus on the manufacture or distribution of ceramics products would be suggested to Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/Home_and_Garden/Ceramics. Sites listed here must be available in English. Otherwise, please suggest the site to the most appropriate (based on the language) category in World. |
Sites specific to a single location such as a town should be sent to the appropriate subcategory of Regional.
Sites specific to a single location such as a town should be sent to the appropriate subcategory of Regional.
Sites that sell supplies for Decorative and Tole painting belong in Shopping/Crafts/Supplies/Decorative_Painting.
If you sell your crafts online, have a product listing, and ship sold products, submit your site to the appropriate category in Shopping.
If your site really does offer links to arts and crafts sites, it might go here. Don''t submit a directory before it has listings, or it will likely not be included. While there are no hard and fast rules, general craft directories should have at least 50 categorized and described links and no empty categories. More specific craft directories can be complete with fewer links, but should only be submitted here as a last resort. Instead, submit them to the appropriate subcategory of Arts/Crafts. For example, a directory of scrapbooking links should be submitted to the scrapbooking category.
Dolls for sale and doll making supplies should be submitted to Shopping: Crafts: Dolls or Shopping: Crafts: Supplies: Doll Making
Sites about repainting or making over Barbie or other fashion dolls should go in Recreation: Collecting: Toys: Dolls: Barbie: Redeaux Dolls
If a site focuses on consumer information about a show which is in a specific local or regional, it should be submitted to the appropriate Regional category in the Arts and Entertainment subcategory.
Sites that focus primarily on direct sales of finished crafts or crafting supplies should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory of Shopping/Crafts/Floral.
Sites primarily focussed on direct selling of unique floral designs and services should be submitted to the most appropriate subcategory of Shopping/Flowers and/or the most appropriate locality category in Regional/.
Submission Tips:
Following these guidelines will help us list your site sooner. Thank-you for your cooperation.
Sites that focus primarily on direct sales of crafting supplies should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory of Shopping: Crafts: Supplies: Glass or one of the other more specific shopping categories.
Pick the one category that best fits your product line and submit only once. Duplicate submissions and mirror sites will be deleted.
Sites that sell knitting or crochet supplies should be submitted to Shopping: Crafts: Supplies: Fiber Arts: Yarn Arts: Knitting and Crochet.
Informational sites that primarily focus on knitting should be submitted to Arts: Crafts: Knitting and Crochet: Knitting or an appropriate subcategory under it.
Informational sites that primarily focus on crochet should be submitted to Arts: Crafts: Knitting and Crochet: Crochet or an appropriate subcategory under it.
Be sure to submit a site for the sub-category that it best fits. If there is no appropriate sub-category, feel free to suggest one.
Sites that offer metal arts for sale should submit their sites to Shopping: Crafts: Metal or Shopping: Crafts: Supplies: Metal Craft or Shopping: Home and Garden: Garden Accessories .
Please do not list sites in this category that offer goods for sale.
Various sub-categories exist for dolls, miniatures, jewelry, and figurines made from polymer clay. Please be sure you submit to the category that best fits your site for quicker placement in the directory.
Sites that offer polymer clay articles for sale should submit to Shopping/Crafts/Polymer_Clay.
Please submit all sites offering needlework supplies for sale to Shopping/Crafts/Fiber Arts/Supplies categories.
Sales sites for rubber stamps and supplies are not listed here. Instead, please see:
Websites that sell scrapbooking supplies or offer scrapbooking services for payment should be submitted to Shopping: Crafts: Supplies: Scrapbooking.
Scrapinasnap agents/affiliates/representatives will NOT be listed in ODP. The main url for the program is found at and is listed in Business: Opportunities: Networking-MLM: S and is the only listing for such sites.
LeavingPrints "instructors" will NOT be listed in ODP. The main url for the program is found at and is listed in Business: Opportunities: Networking-MLM: L and is the only listing for such sites.
Sites offering goods for sale should submit to one of the various Shopping categories such as Shopping: Crafts: Toiletries: Soaps, Shopping: Health and Beauty: Skin Care: Soaps: Handmade or Shopping: Crafts: Supplies: Soap and Candle Making .
For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:
Title: Name of Site or Organization
Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.
Any site that focuses primarily on selling goods should submit to one of the appropriate Shopping/Crafts/Fiber_Arts categories
For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:
Title: Name of Site or Organization
Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.