This category is for sites that are displaying carvings or that give information on carving. Not Sales.
Individual service businesses will not be accepted in this category, please submit your site to the proper locality in the Regional section.
If your site is for selling crafts, supplies, or related accessories your site belongs in the appropriate Shopping category; Shopping sites will NOT be listed here in Arts.
Please note, site offering items for sale should be submitted in Shopping:Crafts:Woodcraft:Woodturning.
Sites offering tools for sale should be submitted in Shopping:Tools:Woodworking:Woodturning
To speed the review and addition of your site, please follow the following guidelines:
Please submit those sites that offer wood craft items for sale online to Shopping/Crafts/Wood. If no online sales are offered, the Business/Industries/Construction and Maintenance/Materials and Supplies area is the most appropriate for an interstate company and a Regional category is most appropriate for a local company.