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Online supplements to current-circulation publications or stand-alone sites that offer primarily industry related information generally qualify. Both types provide specialty coverage of different areas within the larger fashion industry (e.g. reviews of designers' collections, model/photographer profiles, relevant society events, and beauty/grooming advice).
Fashion magazines and e-zines always issue or update either on a continual or, at least, a regular schedule. They often utilize comparable formats, specifically text articles accompanied by corresponding photographs. Content should be reasonably current.

Sites in this category need to have content and should not just be "brochureware" encouraging subscriptions. Archives of articles are acceptable.


These are web supplements to current-circulation men's life/style publications or stand-alone sites with specialty content covering different aspects of the larger fashion industry.
Magazines and e-zines always issue or update either on a continuous or, at least, a regular schedule. See description at Arts: Design: Fashion: Magazines and E-zines for additional information.
These are web supplements to current-circulation women's style/beauty publications or stand-alone sites with specialty content covering different aspects of the larger fashion industry.
Magazines and e-zines always issue or update either on a continuous or, at least, a regular schedule. See description at Arts: Design: Fashion: Magazines and E-zines for additional information.