My Account
This category is for the projects and pages of individual artists or collaboratives.
If you are a web designer please submit your site to Web_Design_and_Development.
Consider submitting to Flash_and_Shockwave/Designers if you use Macromedia only.
If your site is a graphics-only gallery Computer_Graphics/Personal_Galleries may be a possible alternative.

When submitting useful information might include the form and method of your work, funding source, site content (single work, portfolio etc.), your connections and history, the subject or message, browser requirements, and details of other site features (links etc.). Useful terms will also increase your chances of getting listed above clip art archives and animated gifs.
works of digital art that are collaborative, or have been made by the collaboration of different authors.
The keyword is "collaborative". Either the project must be a collaboration, or it must be interactive so someone could add to it. It must also be digital net art. this category makes no definition of the medium except that it is net art, so video, audio, text, drawing, animation or anything else is valid.