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For the purpose of this category, directories are a compilation of websites containing comprehensive indexes or lists of general art resources, galleries, individual artists and related information. The directory should be well established and well populated with listings. Please do not suggest "new" undeveloped directories.

This category is for websites containing a comprehensive guide or list of web sites and/or art related resources. This category is not for websites of individual artists or galleries. If the directory is focused on a particular area, please select the appropriate subcategory, i.e. Artist_Listings or Artists'_Resources.

If the primary focus of the website is to sell artwork, please locate the most appropriate category in Shopping/Visual_Arts. Also, sites listed here must be available in the English language. Non English sites should be suggested to the most appropriate category in World.

Sites listed in this category will contain well established Directories of resources for artists. This includes but is not limited to guides or listings for contests, competitions, discussion forums, internships and job opportunities.

For the purpose of this category, directories are a compilation of websites containing comprehensive indexes or lists of general art resources, galleries, individual artists and related information. The directory should be well established and well populated with listings. Please do not suggest "new" undeveloped directories.

Sites listed in this category will contain well established Directories of Individual Artists.

For the purpose of this category, directories are a compilation of websites containing comprehensive indexes or lists of general art resources, galleries, individual artists and related information. The directory should be well established and well populated with listings. Please do not suggest "new" undeveloped directories.

This category is for Directory websites containing a comprehensive guide/listing of individual artists.

If the primary focus of the website is to sell artwork, please locate the most appropriate category in Shopping/Visual_Arts. Also, sites listed here must be available in the English language. Non English sites should be suggested to the most appropriate category in World.

Sites dealing with the business side of the arts: auctions, marketing research, and advice.
Sites in this category may have their own content, but this category is NOT the place for:
  • individual artists,
  • personal page Webmasters, or
  • galleries
to promote themselves. Those should be submitted to other categories of the directory instead.
This section is for artist networks and communities, interactive sites that include forums, resources, information, networking and other services.
Sites in this category may have their own content, but this category is NOT the place for:
  • individual artists,
  • personal page Webmasters, or
  • galleries
to promote themselves. Those should be submitted to other categories of the directory instead.
Regionally-specific directories, links, networks and other resources that cover several types of arts.
Sites in this category may have their own content, but this category is NOT the place for:
  • individual artists,
  • personal page Webmasters, or
  • galleries
to promote themselves. Those should be submitted to other categories of the directory instead.

If your site is not in English, please submit it to the appropriate category in World/.