My Account
This category is dedicated to mystery genre fiction sites.
Please submit all websites dealing with a specific author (or his/her work) to the appropriate letter category in the Authors subcategory.
  • Submit your site using your main url.
  • Use the site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description listing the current content of your site (not the future content).

Sites which are gateways or splash pages to affiliate sites will not be added.

Official sites and fan pages dedicated to individual authors and the books and stories they write.
Please submit your site to the appropriate letter category. This should reduce the time it will take for your site to be reviewed.

The title should be in last name, first name format.

The description should include a list of features of the site without any marketing hype.

"A historical mystery needs to have just enough sense of an otherwhen to make it noticeably different from our own time." Generally, this is taken to be a modern work set at least 40 years in the past.