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This category is for online publications that cover several types of arts. It is not for general online publications or ones that specialize exclusively in one art form alone.
Please note that this category is for online publications that cover several types of arts.

It is not for general print publication or ones that specialize in one art form.

Sites that are published on a regular schedule, which accept submissions, or have the works of several authors can be submitted to here - provided they deal with more than one art form.

There are a large number of magazine and e-zine categories in ODP dealing exclusively with single-topic art forms. Please select the most appropriate when submitting a site.

Print publications that cover multiple arts should be submitted to Arts: Magazines and E-Zines: Magazines.

Online publications that cover fashion should be submitted to Arts: Magazines and E-Zines: Fashion.

Published writing not in magazine or e-zine format should be submitted to Arts: Literature.

Books for sale should be submitted to Shopping: Publications: Books.

Sites with information for writers should be submitted to Arts: Writers Resources.

If your site is not primarily writing, and contains other information about you or your hobbies, please submit it to Society: People: Personal Homepages.

Please note that editors get many submissions every day. By submitting your site to the appropriate category you make it easier for your site to be listed on the ODP.