Sites focusing on a specific movie title should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory category of Movies Titles.
There are subcategories for amateur filmmaking companies, titles, online venues, and help and FAQs. Please submit to the appropriate subcategory where possible.
For commercial filmmaking companies, please see Business: Industries: Arts and Entertainment: Media Production.
For commercial film production sites, please see Business: Industries: Arts and Entertainment: Media Production.
This category is for sites related to independent filmmakers and their productions. Please submit to the appropriate subcategory where possible. For amateur filmmaking please see Arts: Movies: Filmmaking: Amateur. For commercial film production services please see Business: Arts and Entertainment: Media Production: Independent Film/.
If the site is just a general filmmaking resource, and not an "online community" as such, please submit to the parent category "Filmmaking".
These categories are for websites focusing on the completed creative work of individual major motion picture producers. Submit production company or resume sites to the appropriate Business category.
For commercial sites, please find an appropriate subcategory of Business: Industries: Arts and Entertainment: Media Production.
For filmmaking communities that are online rather than regionally specific, please see Arts: Movies: Filmmaking: Online Communities.
Sites about individual screenwriters or screenwriting teams should be submitted to Screenwriters.
Sites offering movie scripts should be submitted to Scripts.
Sites focusing on Computer Graphics/3D Animations should be submitted to a subcategory of
Commercial visual effects services should be submitted to Business: Arts and Entertainment: Media Production: Post Production: Visual Effects.