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This category contains sites about the filmmaking process itself, free resources, and help related to the art of filmmaking. It also contains informational websites about filmmakers, directors and other people involved in filmmaking.
This category is intended for sites which explore and document the art and craft of filmmaking and is not intended for commercial sites. For sites which advertise services related to commercial film, television and video production, please see Business: Arts and Entertainment: Media Production.

Sites focusing on a specific movie title should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory category of Movies Titles.

Amateur films are movies, short films, and other traditional and experimental media created in a non-commercial setting.
This category contains websites about the making of amateur films. All websites must be in English.

There are subcategories for amateur filmmaking companies, titles, online venues, and help and FAQs. Please submit to the appropriate subcategory where possible.

For commercial filmmaking companies, please see Business: Industries: Arts and Entertainment: Media Production.

This category contains sites pertaining to the art of cinematography.
For camera and lighting equipment, please see Business: Industries: Arts and Entertainment: Equipment.

For commercial film production sites, please see Business: Industries: Arts and Entertainment: Media Production.

The DMOZ Directors' category provides a forum for professionals and directing enthusiasts to find information and resources on the industry and tools for making movies. In addition, it enables directors to come together and share their work through the posting of web sites.
This category is for fiction feature film directors, not aspiring directors. If your site is about an Short Film Director, Experimental Film Director or an Independent Film Director without an existing subcategory, please submit your site there instead of here. Explore Filmmaking People for where to submit sites about people with other film credits.
Directories are collections of contact information for companies and other resources on a given subject, in this case filmmaking. They are often divided up by region or by subject. As a general rule, web directories contain links, while paper directories contain telephone and address information.
This category contains directories and link lists of resources for filmmakers.
Sites devoted to all aspects of documentary filmmaking.
In this category should go all the sites referring to Organisations and Institutions who sponsor mostly documentaries through grants and funds.
Sites offering resources on film and video editing.
These categories are for websites focusing on the completed creative work of movie editors. Submit resume or portfolio sites to the appropriate Business category.
Professional and amateur filmmaking involve the use of unique specialized equipment. For some filmmakers the exploration of the capabilities of their gear is an important part of the art of filmmaking.
This category is intended to contain sites related to the art, theory and use of filmmaking equipment. It also contains equipment guides, descriptions and historical information. It does not contain commercial sites. For dealers, manufacturers, distributors, consultants and other commercial sites, see the various subcategories of Business: Arts_and_Entertainment: Tools_and_Equipment.
Sites devoted to experimental or avant-garde filmmaking.
This category is for individual Experimental filmmakers. If your site is more appopriate to Short Film Filmmakers or Independent Filmmakers, please submit your site there instead of here.
Sites offering filmmaking FAQs, help and tutorials.
Sites offering resources on various film formats.
There are many definitions of "Independent Film" but for the purposes of this category, Indie films are loosely defined as films not produced by the major studios,(for example, most film festival films). Indie filmmakers are loosely defined as professional-level filmmakers who film their own original work.
DO NOT submit production companies here! Submit them to Business/Arts_and_Entertainment/Media_Production/Independent

This category is for sites related to independent filmmakers and their productions. Please submit to the appropriate subcategory where possible. For amateur filmmaking please see Arts: Movies: Filmmaking: Amateur. For commercial film production services please see Business: Arts and Entertainment: Media Production: Independent Film/.

Sites offering resources on movie makeup and costuming.
Do not submit your portfolio, resume or business site here. Submit resume or portfolio sites to the appropriate Costumes or Makeup business category.
Filmmaking news sites.
This category contains filmmaking news sites. For movie news sites not related specifically to filmmaking, see Arts: Movies: News and Media.
This category contains sites which are online communities for filmmakers. They may be geared toward amateur, student, low budget or professional filmmakers, with the caveat that if the site's main purpose is to make money, it belongs somewhere under Business.
Online communities will typically contain news, articles, FAQs, classifieds, chat rooms and/or message boards, and be advertised as a meeting place and all around resource for its members.

If the site is just a general filmmaking resource, and not an "online community" as such, please submit to the parent category "Filmmaking".

Online Venues are sites that act almost like theaters for the public to view (usually amateur or independent) films. These sites usually accept submissions from filmmakers who want to give their film an audience. Many offer streaming video of different qualities to allow even slow modem users to participate. Some sites require a user to register in order to view the films and some allow viewing free of charge.
Submit and view films created by amateur or first time filmmakers, students, or others new to the field.
Sites about individuals engaged in the behind-the-scenes of filmmaking.
This category contains sites about individuals engaged in the behind-the-scenes of filmmaking. This can be either fan sites about famous people or personal sites. Please submit to the appropriate subcategory when possible.
Links to categories for specific producers and production companies, and sites devoted to the movies of multiple producers.

No submissions of production companies, please.

These categories are for websites focusing on the completed creative work of individual major motion picture producers. Submit production company or resume sites to the appropriate Business category.

Sites offering resources to filmmakers in specific geographic areas.
This category contains broad filmmaking resources of a non commercial nature that are of help to filmmakers in specific geographic areas. Please submit to the subcategories where appropriate. Do not submit sites about specific filmmakers or groups; this category is for regional filmmaking resources only.

For commercial sites, please find an appropriate subcategory of Business: Industries: Arts and Entertainment: Media Production.

For filmmaking communities that are online rather than regionally specific, please see Arts: Movies: Filmmaking: Online Communities.

Links to categories offering screenwriting resources or sites about screenwriters.
All sites about the craft or business of screenwriting should be submitted to the appropriate category under Writer''s Resources.

Sites about individual screenwriters or screenwriting teams should be submitted to Screenwriters.

Sites offering movie scripts should be submitted to Scripts.

Sites offering shorts films or other resources on short films.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences defines a short film as 40 minutes or less. Films over 40 minutes should be listed in the Arts: Movies category.
Sites offering resources on motion picture sound.
Visual or special effects are intended to heighten the realism or visual excitement of the film. They can be added either during filming, or afterward during the production process. Some examples include fake weather, explosions, and computer renderings of backgrounds.
This category contains informational sites discussing the theory and practice of using visual effects in filmmaking.

Sites focusing on Computer Graphics/3D Animations should be submitted to a subcategory of Arts/Visual_Arts/Computer_Graphics/3D.
Commercial visual effects services should be submitted to Business: Arts and Entertainment: Media Production: Post Production: Visual Effects.