This category is intended for sites containing reviews of the film as their main content.
Please submit only reviews of the first film in the series. Please note that there are several subcategories available for types of review sites - please take a look at these before submitting here; it is possible that the site you are submitting fits better in one of the subcategories.
Please do not submit your site if it is under construction.
Capsules are short film reviews, usually consisting of not more than a few sentences. They generally summarize the plot and give an overall impression of the film.
This subcategory is for pages that contain capsule reviews of The Matrix.
Please submit your site only if it features one or more capsule reviews of The Matrix. Please do not submit URLs with a hash mark pointing to the relevant review; such submissions will not be listed - in other words, you need to have a page dedicated to one or more capsule reviews of the film.
Please do not submit sites that are under construction.
This subcategory is for reviews of the DVD for the 1999 blockbuster The Matrix.
DVD reviews differ from film reviews in that they also make mention of video quality, special features, usability of the product, and other dimensions.
Please submit only sites which review The Matrix on DVD. Please do not submit sites that are under construction.