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"The Matrix Reloaded" is a sequel to "The Matrix", directed by Larry and Andy Wachowski and set to release on May 15, 2003. The film stars Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, and Jada Pinkett Smith. This category is for sites pertaining to the second film in the Matrix series.
Please submit only sites relating to the second movie in the series. Please do not submit sites that are under construction.
This category is for articles discussing the film as well as interviews with people involved, such as production crew or actors.
Please submit only articles or interviews pertaining to the second film in the Matrix series. If you are submitting a review, please submit to the Reviews category rather than this one.

Please do not submit your site if it is under construction.

This category is intended for links to categories about individual cast members, as well as sites discussing multiple members of the Matrix Reloaded cast.
Please submit only sites which concern multiple members of the cast for The Matrix Reloaded. If the site you are submitting deals with only one member of the cast, please submit to the specific category intended for that celebrity instead.

Please do not submit sites that are under construction.

This category is intended for sites that focus on providing downloadable content related to the film. Multimedia are music and sound files, images, clipart, animations, desktop enhancements, and videos.
Please submit only sites that focus on downloadable items as related to the movie.

If the site you are submitting does not focus exclusively on multimedia, please consider another subcategory.

Please do not submit your site if it is under construction.

This category is intended for sites containing reviews of the film as their main content.
Please submit only reviews of the second film in the series.

Please do not submit your site if it is under construction.