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This category for general sites that feature music reviews.
REVIEWS OF INDIVIDUAL CDs SHOULD NOT BE SUBMITTED HERE! They belong in the individual artist category.
This category is a centralized collection of sub-categories dedicated to specific artist album and concert reviews.
No individual band or artist reviews will be accepted here!

This category is a centralized collection of sub-categories dedicated to specific artist album and concert reviews only.

Individual artist reviews should be submitted to an artist''s dedicated category (i.e. Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/M/McLachlan,_Sarah/Articles_and_Interviews/ ) for review. If an artist does not have a category already dedicated to them, submissions should be made to the appropriate letter category. For example, a review on an artist named John Doe would be submitted to Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/D/ .

Reviews of releases, organized by title.
Sites should not be submitted to this category.

If you wish to submit a review of a specific album, and a category exists for that album, please submit it there. If a suitable category does not exist, then please submit to the artist''s category.

This category for general sites that feature reviews for Independent or Alternative music genres.