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Original websites (i.e. not default or station pages, Shoutcast, or Audiorealm output pages) with genre-hopping MP3 audio streams that can't be categorized by one of the other subcategories here. Great for eclectic stations that draw from a variety of genres.
Please submit/place sites in the listed subcategory according to whether the site you are submitting has a single stream (including multiple-bandwidth options of the same playlist) or multiple-stream site (more than one stream with completely different playlists).

Also, if you are considering submitting a site, please make sure this site has a *clear* link to listen to the MP3 stream - pages that do not contain a link that works will not be listed in the catalog.

This category contains Internet radio station websites which broadcast a variety of genres of music under one single stream. An Internet radio station having one single stream means that the radio only plays one playlist at once, and therefore only plays one song at once for all listeners to hear. Alternatively, there are Internet radio stations which own multiple streams so that they can broadcast numerous songs at once. The Open Directory Project category for multiple stream Internet radio stations can be found at /Arts/Music/Sound_Files/MP3/Streaming/Stations/Variety/Multiple_Stream.

This category contains Internet radio station websites which broadcast a variety of genres of music under one single stream. Internet radio stations under one single stream may be submitted to this category if they are in the English language. If an Internet radio station is in a language other than English, it should be submitted to the appropriate language category in the World section, located at /World/ .

If you have searched for your Internet radio station website in the Open Directory Project search bar already and your website is not listed, you may proceed with submission.

If you have already done so, proceed through the steps in the submission page and please read all instructions as they allow a speedier entry into the Open Directory Project public directory.