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Websites that represent single Blues bands, acts or artists starting with the letter "W".
If a category exists for the band or artist your site is about, please submit it to that specific category. Otherwise, please submit it to the appropriate letter or digit category of the alphabar. Sites in the main alphabar categories will be listed with the band or artist''s name as the site title. Individuals will be listed last name, first name. Bands with "The" will be listed as "Band, The". To improve the value of your description, please include following information about the band or artist in your description: - the style(s) of blues being played. Examples: Chicago blues, jump blues, blues rock, acoustic, electric, etc.; - the base location: city and state or city and country; - whether the site is an official site or a fan site; - include website features such as gig schedule, image galleries, biographies, MP3''s, etc.