When writing a desciription, please remember that the Dmoz editors do not have time to fully read your novel. If you want to get your novel listed here, make it easy for us by including a few short paragraphs of description on the home page of each text.
Please submit sites with a single novel of general contemporary fiction. If the novel has appeared in print, it should be submitted to an appropriate category in Literature. If your book is not available entirely free, it will not be listed here. Please submit it to Shopping .
If the novel is about one specific genre (Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, etc), please submit to the appropriate genre category in Genres. If it covers more than one genre, submit to the Mixed Genre category in Fiction.
Sites that have more than one novel or which include short stories should be submitted to the Personal Pages category (for sites by one writer), or the Fiction category (for sites by more than one writer).