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Joshua Jackson's most known role is as Pacey on Dawson's Creek, a former slacker/drop-out and friend to Dawson. Jackson has also appeared in other films including the Mighty Ducks.

In this subcategory you can only submit sites that mainly consists out of the filmography of Joshua Jackson.

If you have a site of a movie where Joshua Jackson featured in, you should submit it at one of the subcategories of

Here you will find personal sites created by fans of Joshua Jackson.
@links to movies that Joshua Jackson has featured in and also websites that mainly have a filmography of the actor.

In this subcategory you can only submit sites that mainly consists out of the filmography of Joshua Jackson.

If you have a site of a movie where Joshua Jackson featured in, you should submit it at one of the subcategories of

@links to categories about individual television programs where Joshua Jackson appeared in. You can also find websites that primarily focus on television related items of Joshua Jackson.