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Ashley Judd

Full Name: Ashley Tyler Ciminella
Date of Birth: April 19, 1968
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, CA

She is the youngest daughter of Naomi Judd and Michael Ciminella. She now resides in Malibu, Ca. Ashley graduated from Franklin High School in Franklin Tennessee in 1986. She then attended the University of Kentucky where she majored in French and graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1990. In 1996, she was named one of People Magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People In The World".

In this subcategory you can only submit sites that mainly consists out of the filmography of Ashley Judd.

If the site has some nude/adult content or links to nude/ adult content you should submit it to adult :,_Ashley/

If you have a site of a movie where Ashley Judd featured in, you should submit it at one of the subcategories of

Here you will find sites that concentrate on downloadable files like desktop themes, wallpaper, audio and videoclips, software skins, screensavers, etc. These sites may also contain a celebrity's profile or other additional elements but their main focus is downloads.
Here you can find @links to movies that Ashley Judd has featured in and also websites that mainly have a filmography of the actress.

In this subcategory you can only submit sites that mainly consists out of the filmography of Ashley Judd.

If the site has some nude/adult content or links to nude/ adult content you should submit it to adult :,_Ashley/

If you have a site of a movie where Ashley Judd featured in, you should submit it at one of the subcategories of