This category is for celebrities from the various arts genres whose last name begins with the letter Z. Celebrities are defined as famous people having at least one fan site.
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Pia Zadora - US musician and actress, born 4 May 1954,
Hoboken, New Jersey, USA.
Biggest hits - "The Clapping Song" (1983) and "When the Rain Begins to Fall" (duet with Jermaine Jackson) (1984).
She also toured with Frank Sinatra, and has acted in films and television.
Theater manager and producer; born in Chicago in 1867. Florenz (Flo) Ziegfeld, Jr., best known as creator of the Ziegfeld Follies in 1907, and many other Broadway productions, staged after 1927 in the Ziegfeld Theatre. Died Jul 22, 1932, Hollywood, CA, USA.