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Nota: Nota: Los sitios deben estar en inglés. Los sitios en español deben enviarse a su categoría apropiada dentro de World: Español.
Note: Les sites doivent être en anglais. Les sites en français devraient être proposés dans la catégorie appropriée de World: Français.
Anmerkung: Hier bitte nur englische Sites anmelden. Deutschsprachige Sites bitte in der passenden Kategorie unter World: Deutsch anmelden.
Nota: I siti devono essere in inglese. Siti in lingue diverse dall''inglese devono essere dottoposti nella sottocategoria linguistica corrispondente di World.
Nota: Os locais devem estar em inglês. Os locais nas línguas à excepção do inglês devem ser submetidos a World/.
This category contains information on resources for those seeking to learn acting as well as those seeking to teach acting.
Information submitted must conform to ODP guidelines.
Submit your site to the category coinciding best with your physical location. Make sure to place the name of the city as the first word of your description. Example: Los Angeles. School offers....
Following these guidelines will help to prevent delays in having your site reviewed.
Education specific to theatrical acting should go in the Arts/Performing_Arts/Theatre/Education category.