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This category will act as a repository of information and resources for aspiring actors.
Please submit only sites dealing with actors and actresses to this category.

If an actor or actress has a subcategory, please submit there. If there is no subcategory, list under the alphabet bar by the first letter of the last name. Please include surname and first name (e.g. Jones, David) and country or region.

Actors and Actresses who are considered multi-talented and are also well known in another Arts genre (i.e., singer/actress Cher), may be located in the alphabet bar under Arts: People.

This category, Arts: Performing Arts: Acting: Actors and Actresses, is for people who are specifically classified as an actor or actress.

Actors and actresses who are multi-talented and involved in more than one entertainment genre (i.e., acting, singing, and dancing) and wish to submit a resume only, should submit to Business: Arts and Entertainment: Employment: Individual Resumes.

Non-English sites should be listed in the appropriate language under World.
Sites which are primarily oriented toward selling merchandise, memorabilia, autographs, etc. should be sent to the appropriate Shopping categories.
Sites with explicit adult content, including advertisement and links, will not be accepted here and should be submitted to a subcategory within Adult.

Please read the category descriptions for further information and for assistance with proper placement of sites.
This category is for actors and actresses who may span the specters of movies, television, theatre, and other acting mediums. Sites here may consist of fan tributes, official pages, resumes, informational pages, or other miscellaneous data. There are also @links leading to actors and actresses that are classified as multi-talented and are also widely associated with other occupations in the Arts genre, besides acting.
Please submit only sites dealing with actors and actresses to this category and make sure you submit to the sub-category letter of the person''s last name. (example: John Doe would be submitted under Arts/Performing_Arts/Acting/Actors_and_Actresses/D )
Please note, submitting your site directly to this category will significantly delay it being reviewed as it needs to be sorted to the correct category.

If an actor or actress has a subcategory, please submit there. If there is no subcategory, list under the alphabet bar by the first letter of the last name. Please include surname and first name (e.g. Jones, David) and country or region.

Actors and Actresses who are considered multi-talented and are also well known in another Arts genre (i.e., singer/actress Cher), may be located in the alphabet bar under Arts: People.

This category, Arts: Performing Arts: Acting: Actors and Actresses, is for people who are specifically classified as an actor or actress.

Actors and actresses who are multi-talented and involved in more than one entertainment genre (i.e., acting, singing, and dancing) and wish to submit a resume only, should submit to Business: Arts and Entertainment: Employment: Individual Resumes.

Non-English sites should be listed in the appropriate language under World.
Sites which are primarily oriented toward selling merchandise, memorabilia, autographs, etc. should be sent to the appropriate Shopping categories.
Sites with explicit adult content, including advertisement and links, will not be accepted here and should be submitted to a subcategory within Adult.

Please read the category descriptions for further information and for assistance with proper placement of sites.
If you are interested in the performing arts and would like to contact others with similar interests, using web based forums could be a great way of accomplishing that.
Please submit only sites that have a dedicated forum for the discussion of the performing arts. Sites that have content relating to the performing arts in general and do not have a forum hosted within it should be submitted to a relevant category within �Arts: Performing arts�.

more information (editors only)

Information on learning opportunities in multiple disciplines of the acting arts. Included are schools and workshops, coaching, online training, video , etc..
Note: Sites must be in English. Sites in languages other than English should be submitted to the appropriate language in World.

Nota: Nota: Los sitios deben estar en inglés. Los sitios en español deben enviarse a su categoría apropiada dentro de World: Español.

Note: Les sites doivent être en anglais. Les sites en français devraient être proposés dans la catégorie appropriée de World: Français.

Anmerkung: Hier bitte nur englische Sites anmelden. Deutschsprachige Sites bitte in der passenden Kategorie unter World: Deutsch anmelden.

Nota: I siti devono essere in inglese. Siti in lingue diverse dall''inglese devono essere dottoposti nella sottocategoria linguistica corrispondente di World.

Nota: Os locais devem estar em inglês. Os locais nas línguas à excepção do inglês devem ser submetidos a World/.

This category contains information on resources for those seeking to learn acting as well as those seeking to teach acting.

Information submitted must conform to ODP guidelines.

Submit your site to the category coinciding best with your physical location. Make sure to place the name of the city as the first word of your description. Example: Los Angeles. School offers....

Following these guidelines will help to prevent delays in having your site reviewed.

Education specific to theatrical acting should go in the Arts/Performing_Arts/Theatre/Education category.