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This category houses both professional and fan pages devoted to the English actor Richar Bremmer.

Born 27th January, 1953, in Warwickshire, England, UK.

Movies include "Onegin" (1999), "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" (2001) and "The Aryan Couple" (2004).

Television work includes "Zastrozzi: A Romance" (1986) and "The Scarlet and the Black" (1993).
Please submit only sites or forums that are for or about UK actor Richard Bremmer. Movies that he has appeared in should be submitted to the Movie category under the film title.
Contains links to Open Directory Project categories for films Richard Bremmer has appeared in.
Please note that sites devoted to individual movies in which Richard Bremmer has appeared are not listed here, and should be directed to the relevant subcategory of Arts/Movies/Titles. Where no subcategory for the movie exists, please refer your suggested URL to the appropriate letter category in the Arts/Movies/Titles alphabet bar.

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