This category houses both professional and fan pages devoted to the actor born 15 January 1913, in San Leandro, California, USA. Died 10 March 1998 of natural causes, at age 85. He and wife Dorothy were parents of four children, two of whom - Beau, born in 1941, and Jeff, born in 1949, also became well-known actors. Lloyd appeared in about 200 movies, TV shows, and stage performances.
When suggesting a site, please assist the category editors by observing the following guidelines:
Sites including adult content, as defined in the Adult Guidelines, are not accepted here. Please direct these sites to the appropriate subcategory within Adult.
Please suggest sites focusing wholly or predominantly on Lloyd Bridges for inclusion in this category. Sites concentrating upon individual films or programs in which he appeared, may be more appropriately suggested for inclusion in the relevant subcategory of Arts/Television/Programs or Arts/Movies/Titles. Sites primarily concerned with the sale of merchandise should be referred to the requisite category within Shopping.
Please suggest only the site's main URL page for inclusion in this category. If supplying a description, please do so concisely, avoiding superlatives or hype. Objective, informative descriptions, detailing the current contents of the site are of most benefit to directory users.
Contains links to categories for individual movies in which Lloyd Bridges appeared.
Please note that sites for individual movies in which Lloyd Bridges appeared are not listed here. Instead, we provide links to the categories, which are placed elsewhere. Simply click on the link and you'll automatically be taken to the proper spot.
If no category for the movie exists, please refer the suggested URL to the appropriate letter category in the Arts/Movies/Titles alphabet bar.