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Sleight-of-hand, illusion, tricks, and other performances commonly styled as magic. Information about professional magicians as well as sites aimed at amateurs are welcome here.
Please locate the most appropriate sub-category for your submissions. Reviews will conducted in those areas first. Sites listed in this general category will eventually be moved to the appropriate sub-category.
Sites listed here will provide descriptions and/or free instructions for magic effects. Sites offering instructions for sale belong in Shopping/Entertainment/Performing_Arts/Magic.
The history of magic and conjuring as a performing art.
Please submit only sites dealing with the history of magic and conjuring as a performing art.

Sites dealing with the occult should be listed in Society: Religion and Spirituality: under the appropriate sub-category.

For sites about performance artists styling themselves magicians or illusionists.

Performers who are magicians may also do performances in other areas, such as comedy, clowning, hypnosis, juggling. If magic is not the major part of the performance, see the other related categories and submit the site to the single most appropriate one.

Agents and Agencies must be submitted to that sub-category.

Companies producing shows, especially containing other elements besides magic, might be better placed in Business: Business Services: Event Planning and Production: Entertainment