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This category concerns itself only with directing for live theatre, which may include opera and, in some instances, theatrical dance.
Individual director pages should go in the Arts/Performing_Arts/Theatre/Directing/Stage_Directors/ category.
This category holds links relevant to the education of directors working for the live stage.
When submitting sites to this category, please make it clear in title or description whether the site is a syllabus, or the description of a program. Please do not attempt to include the content of your program in the description.
Stage Directors are individuals working in the art and craft of communicating in a space (the stage) and time (the theatrical experience). This category houses sites of currently active Stage Directors, that is directors engaged in the art, looking for work, or working in projects. These sites represent a Stage Director's work, careers, resumes, philosophies and/or online professional portfolios.

This category also includes the works of historically significant directors whose work has left a lasting impression on the world of theatre.
When submitting a personal site, please ensure that the title is in the following form:

Lastname, Firstname

You should be promoting yourself primarily as a stage director. If your site also contains information about your acting, design, teaching, graphic design, etc. you may want to consider Arts/Performing_Arts/Theatre/People in the corresponding letter.

Sites about famous or significant directors should contain a substantial amount of content beyond a single page of information.