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Panoramic photography presents a view of an area encompassing from 180 degrees to a full circle of 360 degrees. Panoramic photographs can be shot with a special camera with a rotating scanning lens which produces an image of the scanned area on a curved plate or film. Panoramic photographs can also be shot with photographic techniques without any special equipment.
Please submits sites to this category which are primarily exhibits of panorama photos or tips and techniques for panoramic photography.

Sites selling photographs should use the add URL form at Shopping/Visual_Arts/Photography .

Sites selling services for producing virtual reality tours on websites should use the add URL form at Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Authoring/Online_Tools .

Companies that create virtual tours should submit their sites to Computers/Virtual_Reality/QTVR_and_Pre-rendered_VR/Companies.

Virtual tours created for real estate should be submitted to Computers/Software/Industry-Specific/Real_Estate/Virtual_Tour/.

If your site is not in English, please submit it to the appropriate country in World .

This category includes organizations related to the Panoramic and 360° photography.
Only organizations that are specific to Panoramic and 360° photography will be listed here.
A collection of sites displaying examples of panormaic photography.
When submitting your site, please title it with the photographer''s name formatted last name, first name.