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From its origins in experiments with mechanical rotating discs to its modern takeover of the world, television has been considered to be many things, but never uninteresting. Sites listed in this category are dedicated to the history of television, presentation, programmes and the technical achievements of the medium.
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Technology is constantly developing. When we look back at events ago or more generations ago, we can see the speed of the development. But what about development within our own lifetime? Television has continued to develop since the world's first 30-line, regularly-scheduled service began in London in 1936. The newest and fastest developments are in Cable and Satellite broadcasting. Despite their relatively young age, both have a history worth remembering.
Television presentation is best defined as the bits before, after and in-between the programmes. Also called 'continuity', presentation means the graphics, idents, jingles, announcers, logos, symbols, break-bumpers, authority announcements, menus - everything but the programmes themselves. The presentation of the past shows how graphic design, music and even people have changed since television began in 1936.
Television - chewing gum for the eyes. And yet, billions of people around the globe are sat in front of it. They are transfixed daily or weekly by snapshots of life - comedy, tragedy, the ordinary, the extraordinary. When programmes end their lives, the viewers tend move on to the replacement offering. But some remember the programmes that influenced them, that they enjoyed, that they hated, that they loved. The history of these programmes is here.
Having dominated a whole century, television can begin to look like a melting pot, as all parts of the medium combine into one. But, every television station is unique. Every one has a personality separate from its programming. Every one has a history of its own. The histories of individual stations are to be found in this category - histories that deserve to be remembered fondly, like friends should be.
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Do not submit sites with pictures ''borrowed'' from other sites to this category. Do not submit sites that are under construction. Do not submit sites with no content.