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Premiered in June of 2000, "Survivor" is a CBS series that is part game show and adventure as a group try to survive on to win a million dollar.
If you have a site that represents all chapters of the CBS series, please submit here.

If your site is exclusively about one of the chapters, please submit in the respective subcategories (i.e. Pearl Island site submit in Survivor 7 - Pearl Island).

To avoid delay in listing, please review prior to submission:

  • Please submit websites once to the most relevant category in the directory.
  • Submit your site using your main url. Do not submit a redirect URL for your site -instead use the actual URL.
  • Use your site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content). Do not use marketing verbiage or first person verbiage (we, our, us) in the description. Also, do not us statements such as �and more� in the description.
  • Sites under construction will not be listed.
  • Affiliate sites, multiple URL''s for the same organization, and mirror sites will not be listed.
  • Sites that include adult content as defined in the Adult Guidelines are not accepted here. Please submit sites with adult content to the appropriate category in Adult.
  • All sites are reviewed periodically.
  • The ODP reserves the right to alter or replace a proposed description at any time at its sole discretion and editorial judgment.

    Sites that talk about the Survivor series, including message boards.
    Please submit sites that have message boards or forums about the CBS series.
    Sites featuring role-playing games or parodies of the "Survivor" series.
    The eleventh chapter of the "Survivor" series featuring the contestants at National Park Yaxha Nakum-Naranjo in Guatemala (premiered fall 2005).
    Only sites that focus on the eleventh edition of the CBS show are included here. If your site is about the entire series, please suggest it to the main Survivor category.
    The first chapter of the "Survivor" series featuring the contestants on an island in Pulau Tiga (June - September 2000).
    Only sites that details the first chapter and group of Survivor I will be added in this category. If you have a site relating to other Survivor chapters, please submit in appropriate categories. If your site is about all the Survivors chapters, please submit under the main Survivor heading.
    The second chapter of the "Survivor" series featuring the contestants in Australia (January - May 2001).
    Only sites that details the second chapter and group of Survivor II will be added in this category. If you have a site relating to other Survivor chapters, please submit in appropriate categories. If your site is about all the Survivors chapters, please submit under the main Survivor heading.
    The third chapter of the "Survivor" series featuring the contestants on in Africa (premiered October 2001).
    Only sites that details the third chapter and group of Survivor III will be added in this category. If you have a site relating to other Survivor chapters, please submit in appropriate categories. If your site is about all the Survivors chapters, please submit under the main Survivor heading.


    The fourth edition of the Survivor series on CBS.
    Only sites that are mainly focusing on the fourth edition of the CBS show. If your site is about the entire series (every seasons), please submit your listing to main section under "Survivor" (Arts: Television: Programs: Reality-Based: Survivor)

    To avoid delay in listing, please review prior to submission:

  • Please submit websites once to the most relevant category in the directory.
  • Submit your site using your main url. Do not submit a redirect URL for your site -instead use the actual URL.
  • Use your site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content). Do not use marketing verbiage or first person verbiage (we, our, us) in the description. Also, do not us statements such as �and more� in the description.
  • Sites under construction will not be listed.
  • Affiliate sites, multiple URL''s for the same organization, and mirror sites will not be listed.
  • Sites that include adult content as defined in the Adult Guidelines are not accepted here. Please submit sites with adult content to the appropriate category in Adult.
  • All sites are reviewed periodically.
  • The ODP reserves the right to alter or replace a proposed description at any time at its sole discretion and editorial judgment.

    To avoid delay in listing, please review prior to submission:

  • Please submit websites once to the most relevant category in the directory.
  • Submit your site using your main url. Do not submit a redirect URL for your site -instead use the actual URL.
  • Use your site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content). Do not use marketing verbiage or first person verbiage (we, our, us) in the description. Also, do not us statements such as �and more� in the description.
  • Sites under construction will not be listed.
  • Affiliate sites, multiple URL''s for the same organization, and mirror sites will not be listed.
  • Sites that include adult content as defined in the Adult Guidelines are not accepted here. Please submit sites with adult content to the appropriate category in Adult.
  • All sites are reviewed periodically.
  • The ODP reserves the right to alter or replace a proposed description at any time at its sole discretion and editorial judgment.

    Premiering in the fall of 2003 this Survivor show will take place in the Pearl Islands.

    To avoid delay in listing, please review prior to submission:

  • Please submit websites once to the most relevant category in the directory.
  • Submit your site using your main url. Do not submit a redirect URL for your site -instead use the actual URL.
  • Use your site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content). Do not use marketing verbiage or first person verbiage (we, our, us) in the description. Also, do not us statements such as �and more� in the description.
  • Sites under construction will not be listed.
  • Affiliate sites, multiple URL''s for the same organization, and mirror sites will not be listed.
  • Sites that include adult content as defined in the Adult Guidelines are not accepted here. Please submit sites with adult content to the appropriate category in Adult.
  • All sites are reviewed periodically.
  • The ODP reserves the right to alter or replace a proposed description at any time at its sole discretion and editorial judgment.

    Featuring winners and contestants of previous editions. Premiered on Feb 1, 2004 following the Super Bowl.

    To avoid delay in listing, please review prior to submission:

  • Please submit websites once to the most relevant category in the directory.
  • Submit your site using your main url. Do not submit a redirect URL for your site -instead use the actual URL.
  • Use your site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content). Do not use marketing verbiage or first person verbiage (we, our, us) in the description. Also, do not us statements such as �and more� in the description.
  • Sites under construction will not be listed.
  • Affiliate sites, multiple URL''s for the same organization, and mirror sites will not be listed.
  • Sites that include adult content as defined in the Adult Guidelines are not accepted here. Please submit sites with adult content to the appropriate category in Adult.
  • All sites are reviewed periodically.
  • The ODP reserves the right to alter or replace a proposed description at any time at its sole discretion and editorial judgment.