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Listing for male voice artists involved in voiceover production for various media.
Submission Guidelines:

  • Please use the "Lastname, Firstname" format for the title of your site. If you''d prefer a company or domain name, it is acceptable for it to follow your name in the title.

    Example: Smith, Bob - Screaming Voices

    This format was adopted to maintain consistency, but primarily because previous submitters attempted to manipulate their site''s placement by alphabetical means (that is, so they would be listed higher in the category). Such devious methods are unacceptable.

    This same format is frequently used by other talent directories, and it also serves to represent all voice artists equally.

  • You must have a voice demo online to be accepted here. Sites offering contact information only will be rejected.

  • Please keep your description simple and concise or it will be edited for space. And unless they are a part of your copyrighted webpage title, absolutely no exclamation points or they will be deleted. Anything typed in ALL CAPS is also unacceptable.

  • Keywords and metatags are not permitted. ODP is a directory, not a search engine. If your voice work covers a variety of mediums, have that information available on your site. We list only the primary mediums in which voice talent are involved. Focus on the forms of media where you are most experienced and proficient for your site''s description. Otherwise, it will be edited according to our discretion.

  • All sites submitted to this category are edited according to the editors'' review of the site''s content.

  • It is your responsibility to inform us of any updates or location changes to your website - if a link is broken in this category, it will simply be deleted.