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The Polymers category comprises establishments which are primarily engaged in the production of:
  • Resins (raw materials of plastics),
  • Basic Plastics and companies which provide custom processing such as extrusion or molding,
  • Rubber (natural, synthetic, or reclaimed),
  • Foam
Also included are support industries such as associations, wholesalers, importers, and media companies which focus on the polymer/plastics industry. Sites not listed in this category include:
This site is for firms which are engaged in providing consulting services as their primary business. Companies who sell equipment or manufacture goods should not be listed here but in a category specific to their product.
This site is for firms which are engaged in providing consulting services as their primary business. Companies who sell equipment or manufacture goods should not be listed here but in a category specific to their product.
This site is for firms which are engaged in providing consulting services as their primary business. Companies who sell equipment or manufacture goods should not be listed here but in a category specific to their product.
This category is for *directories* of plastics manufacturers (including rubber), and is not a listing of individual plastics manufacturing firms. The category includes plastics manufacturing directories worldwide.
This category is for *directories* of plastics manufacturers (including rubber), and is not a listing of individual plastics manufacturing firm websites. Individual plastics firm sites will only be considered if they have a list of many other plastics manufacturers on the site.

Websites containing sizeable lists of plastics manufacturers with information about the companies and, importantly, that make clear which companies (if not all) are actual plastics manufacturers, will be considered. Directories of plastic wholesalers, distributors, and suppliers without companies that manufacture will not be considered in this category, and e-Portals and eMarketplaces will also not be considered (unless they also have a directory listing of manufacturers on the site).

This category lists sites which are specifically designed for internet trading of materials, products, and machinery and equipment related to the polymer, plastic and rubber industries.
This category is for manufacturers and distributors of all types of plastics as raw materials. Companies which work plastics in such ways as molding or machining should be submitted to a category under Contract_Processors category. Specific items manufactured from plastics should be listed in a category appropriate to their application.
Journals relating to plastic news, products, innovations and shows.
This category is for contract manufacturers of plastics parts and products which will be used as a component in finished goods. This category has four subcategories: Extruders, Molders, Fabricators Formers Assemblers, Vacuum Formers. Companies which work plastics with these specific processes should be listed under the category appropriate to their application. Companies performing contract processing of plastics which do not belong in any of the specific subcategories should be listed here.
This category is for contract manufacturers of plastics parts and products which will be used as a component in finished goods. This category has four subcategories Extruders, Molders, Fabricators Formers Assemblers, Vacuum Formers. Companies which work plastics with these specific processes should be listed under the category appropriate to their application. Companies performing contract processing of plastics which do not belong in any of the specific subcategories should be listed here.
Manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of raw rubber and rubber compounds. Finished rubber products are found in the subcategory "Manufactured Product" and its linked categories.,
Submissions to this category are restricted to international organizations and United States organisations whose operations extend throughout the 48 states. Sites for organizations with a smaller scope should be submitted to the appropriate category in Regional.
This category is for sites of companies which provide services as their primary business. Those companies providing services as an adjunct to their main business should not be listed here but under the category appropriate to their main business.
This category contains sites concerned with the availability and servicing of new and pre-owned equipment used in the plastics manufacturing and processing industry and also, at least to some degree, by rubber and ceramic processing companies. Note: The emphasis in this category is not on producing plastics or making something out of plastic but on the equipment used for such purposes. Companies involved in producing parts and products out of plastic will be found in the Contract_Processors category; and companies producing plastic raw materials are indexed in the Materials category.Sites that more properly belong in these categories should be directed to them.
This category is for manufacturers of plastic equipment which is not primary to the process. This category has three co-categories, Extrusion, Molding, Thermoforming. Companies which produce equipment for these specific processes should be listed under the category appropriate to their application. Companies manufacturing equipment such as, but not limited to: grinders, dryers, pelletizers, callendaring stacks, pullers, winders, sizing and calibration tanks, etc which do not belong in any of the specific subcategories should be listed here. category description
This category lists wholesale distributors, agents and manufacturers' representatives in the polymer, plastics and rubber industries.