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The Construction and Maintenance sector category includes resources on industries and companies primarily engaged in the design and construction of buildings and other structures, heavy construction (e.g. such as highways, power plants, and pipelines), additions, alterations, reconstruction, installation, and maintenance and repairs.  Demolition or wrecking of buildings and other structures, clearing of building sites, and sale of materials from demolished structures are also included. Finally, industries and companies that manufacture and distribute construction supplies and equipment are included in this branch.

This category also includes information resources covering these industries, such as associations, reference resources, news, etc.

(Source: This category description is based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), 1997).

This category should contain sites that are of interstate, national, or multinational importance.

A business which serves a local area, such as only a city, a metropolitan area, or simply a portion of a state or province, should be listed in the locality of the company's corporate office.

For example, a company whose office is in Wilmington, Delaware, would be listed in >> Regional: North America: United States: Delaware: Localities: W: Wilmington: Business and Economy

This category is for Non Profit, educational and trade associations that inform, enable the support the development of the Construction and Maintenance Industries. Associations that deal specifically with business within a locality, should be found at that locality's regional business category. Associations that deal specifically with business within a country, should be found at that country's regional business category, for example: Regional/North_America/Canada/Business_and_Economy/Associations/
The Open Directory editors reserve the right to delete sites under construction, duplicate domains or submissions and sites submitted to incorrect categories.

Before submitting your site, please review the Guidelines for Submitting a Site.

The category contains a number of sub categories . Please take the time to look through the category structure and ensure your submission is correctly placed . There are also a number of related category links . You may find your submission would be better placed in one of these links . The Business hierarchy contains categories which list web sites of companies, organizations and individuals that manufacture, sell, or otherwise provide products, services, information and resources to the international business community
This category contains category @links to continent-level Construction and Maintenance categories within the Regional: branch.
No sites are listed within this category.

In general, please identify and submit your site to the single best subcategory within Business: Construction and Maintenance.

In addition, sites may be eligible for a second listing at the most appropriate level within the Regional branch.

Only web sites of multi-state or international operations will be listed here. For more regionally specific company websites, please see the appropriate category in Business: Regional. If you have only one office location, please submit to the local category, e.g., Locality: Business and Economy: Construction and Maintenance in the Regional: branch.

If your site is not specifically geared towards this category, please submit to the proper category.

Submitting to the wrong category will delay and/or prevent your site from being listed in the directory.

Submission Tips:

  1. When writing your site''s title please ensure it is the same as your organization.
  2. When writing your site''s description, please tell what your site offers in a clear and concise statement without hype or promotional language.
Thank-you for your cooperation.

Only web sites of multi-state or international operations will be listed here. For more regionally specific company websites, please see the appropriate category in Top/Regional.

This category is for sites specifically related to Construction and Maintenance industry trade shows, events and exhibitions.

Avoid delays! Submit your site to the correct category.

This category is for sites specifically related to Exhibitions and Trades Shows for the Construction and Maintenance industry.

Sites NOT listed here:

More information and guidelines for submitting your site to the Open Directory Project.

Consultants provide design services from concept development, through models and visulisations to final realisation and production oversight. Consultants are not linked with products or methods but respond to each project based upon the clients vision and budget.
Please submit only Independent Consultant Companies. Independent is defined as a company or person who does not gain financially from the specification of any product but is paid a fee for their design services.

Submit your main url. Ex: - do not submit redirected sites, mirror sites, and/or page extensions. They will not be listed.

Please create a 1-1/2 to 2 sentence description. Do not submit two lines of search terms; this practice will result in an editor following dmoz submission guidelines rewriting your description in their words instead of yours.

Please do not list your URL address in your title or description. Please do not put your company name or description in both your title and description. Please do not Put Every First Letter Of Your Title In Capitals.

Sites not in compliance with the above guidelines may be delayed or deleted from the submission process.

This category is related to the business of design in the construction and maintenance industry. It is divided into subcategories related to specific disciplines. Please do not submit to the Design category, but rather to one of the subcategories below.
Do not submit sites to the Design category. Submit your site to the appropriate discipline listed under Design.


NOTE: Misplaced sites may cause a delay in the sites'' listing. Please match your site to the best category.

This category is for construction and maintenance directories that serve a worldwide or international scope.For construction and maintenance directories that serve the a narrower scope, please see the subcategories.
A resource and directory for the building design community to help make environmentally informed construction, maintenance, and design decisions about building materials and technologies, contractors and suppliers.
Information and resources for construction estimating.
Information and resources for construction estimating.

To be considered for inclusion, please be sure that you are submitting to the proper category.

-- Software vendors should submit to Computers/Software/Accounting/Construction/ .

-- Construction estimators and quantity surveyors should submit to Business/Industries/Construction_and_Maintenance/Consulting/Cost_Consultants/.

-- Contractors and builders should submit to the appropriate category.

All submissions are reviewed by a volunteer editor. To make it easy for that volunteer to publish your site, please follow the instructions for submission carefully.

The U.S. Secretary of the Interior defines historic preservation as "retention of all historic fabric through conservation, maintenance, and repair." This category also includes resources for the related practice of rehabilitation, which includes replacement of severely deteriorated elements of the structure. This category is for architects, planners, craftspeople, and materials manufacturers whose primary speciality is historic preservation and rehabilitation and who routinely serve a national, international, or broadly regional clientele.
This category is for architects, planners, craftspeople, and materials manufacturers whose primary speciality is historic preservation and rehabilitation and who routinely serve a national, international, or broadly regional clientele. Note that there are subcategories for specific types of trades.

If your business does most of its work within a limited region (such as a city and its suburbs), please submit it to the locality of its main office under Regional. Businesses that provide no indication of their service area, or that show only one or two projects at locations near their office, will be sent to the locality of their main office.

If historic preservation is one of many specialities for your business, please go to Business: Construction_and_Maintenance and find a category that reflects your full range of services.

If your site is in a language other than English, start in World to find a category in the appropriate language.

Businesses and associations involved in commercial and residential landscaping.


If your practice and portfolio demonstrate multiple landscape architecture projects, or services in addition to landscape architecture, this is the place for you. Please submit the following information:

1. Title - The legal name of your company.

Example: ABC Landscape Architecture and Urban Design, Inc. rather than Full Service Landscape Architects and Urban Design Firm in New York.

2. Description - The following information:

A. The location of your office(s), by state if in the USA, by country if outside of the USA.

B. Short list of markets your firm serves.

C. A list of what your web site contains.

D. Please do not list your firm name in the description.

Example: New York firm providing design services, planning and urban design for the commercial, medical, education and entertainment industries. Includes portfolio, firm profile, awards and contact information.

NOTE: ODP will not include promotional language in either the title or description. All submitted forms are edited to reflect an objective description.


If you have any question, please email the editor at the link you see on the bottom of the category list. Thanks for submitting your site to ODP.

The work of keeping something in proper condition; upkeep.
Activity involved in maintaining something in good working order.

Thank you.
This category should contain English language sites for businesses with a multinational presence.

Non-English sites should be listed in the appropriate World category.

Business entities that serve a city, metropolitan area, state, region, or country should be listed in the appropriate Business and Economy category for their region.

Companies that provide a specialized service will submit in their respective branch of this category.

Please keep your submission brief and to the point.
Follow the instructions.

Any deviation from the guidelines will result in the delay of your review and approval.

Thank you.

The Marketing and Advertising category comprises site links to agencies and individuals which offer advertising and marketing services focused on the construction and maintenance industry sector engaged in one or more of the following:
  • Advertising in print, broadcast, interactive, or other media
  • Branding and corporate identity design
  • Creation and distribution of promotional items
  • Internet marketing strategy and analysis
  • Collection and analysis of market research
  • Public relations activities
  • Training and development of sales representatives
Excluded from this category are:
Sites generally not listed in the Business category:
  • Online shopping: Sites that exist primarily to sell goods and services directly to the consumer should be listed in the Shopping category. See the Shopping category description for more detail.

  • Commercial sites (particularly "dot.coms") whose main purpose is to provide information and resources to the consumer, as an end-user of the product or services (e.g. Google,,,, etc.)

  • Sites that focus on providing information to consumers are listed under Home: Consumer Information. See the Consumer Information FAQ for more information.

  • Local businesses: sites for companies serving a very limited geographic area -- like a single state (or equivalent), city or metro area -- should be submitted to the Regional category.
Marketplaces facilitate interactions and transactions between buyers and sellers in the construction and maintenance industry, providing a platform for promoting contracting services, jobs, materials, supplies, tools and equipment; and allowing buyers to select the most appropriate or cost-effective source.
Sites listed here will allow multiple suppliers to link with multiple buyers. Sites representing a single company should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory within Construction and Maintenance, such as Contracting services, or Tools and Equipment.
This category contains links to sites related to materials and supplies used in the construction and maintenance industry. Please submit sites related to materials and supplies of construction and maintenance including, but not limited to:
  • Wholesale and Distribution
  • Manufacturing
  • Marketplaces
  • Education and Training
  • Associations
  • Conferences, Trade Shows, and Expos
ATTENTION: Local retailers and showrooms should be submitted to the appropriate Business and Economy category for their local/area market. ATTENTION: Local installers and contractors should be submitted to the appropriate Business and Economy category for their local/area market.
Please submit sites using the following format:

Title: [Company Name]

  • Do NOT submit titles with hype or marketing language; just simply submit the Company/Organization Name as the title.

Description: Include a brief description (1-2 sentences).

First sentence is the company focus, such as: "Manufacturer of epoxy coating and lining systems."

Second sentence is the site content focus, such as: Site includes an overview of products and services, downloadable catalog, mailing list, company background, location map, and contact details."

Sources of materials, how-to guides and do-it-yourself information. Remodeling contractors are generally placed in the appropriate regional category based on the location of the business.
Remodeling contractors should re-direct your submission to the appropriate Business and Economy: Construction and Maintenance category based on their locality.
Companies that build conventional homes and/or distribute prefabricated or panelized residential homes, apartments and/or condominiums.
Please submit only sites which deal with the manufacturing, distribution, or selling of prefabricated housing. Builders of conventional homes in multiple states or countries should also submit here.

Take notice of the various subcategories and only submit to the best matching category.

Commercial manufactures should submit their site to: Commercial and Industrial

Home building contractors should submit their site to the proper location of their business in Regional

Firms offering services to repair and restore properties or parts of properties to their original condition. Includes building maintenance and cleaning.
Firms specializing in work on historic properties (i.e. those over 50 years old) should submit their sites to the Historic Preservation category.
Construction specifications are detailed documents, describing materials, methods, and standards to be used in a project.
Please submit only sites providing construction contract documents, specification consulting services, or tools for specifiers.

Sites providing information on specific products should be listed under a sub-category of Business: Industries: Construction and Maintenance: Materials and Supplies.

For manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, repairers and renters of tools and equipment used within the construction industry. It is not for sites specific to building materials or supplies, these should be submitted to the "Materials and Supplies" category .
The Business hierarchy contains categories which list web sites of companies, organizations and individuals that manufacture, sell, or otherwise provide products, services, information and resources to the international business community. The editors reserve the right not to list your site, and to delete it after its addition. Multiple submissions, especially to inappropriate categories, will not be tolerated.

The category has been subdivided into a number of specific subcategories and we would ask that you take the time to review the subcategory descriptions to determine if your site is appropriate to that category or subcategory.

This category has been established to organize web sites with information pertaining to trenchless technology so that directory users will have easy access to such information. Trenchless technology is a diversified industry primarily within the construction and engineering industries, but with considerable ties to academic institutions (including multiple academic centers dedicated to trenchless technology), and with its own professional societies, trade magazines, website portals, etc. The trenchless technology industry uses various technologies to limit the disturbance of surface structures during the new installation or the repair of existing underground structures. In addition to being less disruptive, trenchless technologies are often faster and more cost-effective than the traditional direct burial construction techniques. Trenchless technologies such as horizontal directional drilling (hdd), microtunneling, pipe jacking, etc. are routinely used for the new installation of utility piping for the sewer, water, gas, power, cable, and telecommunications industries. Trenchless technologies such as grouting, coating, pipelining, pipe bursting, etc. are routinely used for the repair or replacement of such existing underground utilities, often as part of a regular operations and maintenance program.
This category will list companies that purchase products from Producers and Manufacturers in bulk and resell it without transformation to re-sellers. The Wholesalers and Distributors that will be listed in this category are associated with Construction and Maintenance industry. Companies that provide services to these Wholesalers and Distributors will be listed here. This category will not list Manufacturers' Representatives or Retailers.