Contains listings of manufacturers of cosmetic products, information used by manufacturers, and materials used in the manufacture of cosmetics. Wholesalers and retailers of cosmetic products may be listed here if they also manufacture their own products, or are affiliated with manufacturing companies.
Please submit to this category only if your company is actually manufacturing products, or if you sell to manufacturers. Sites selling cosmetics and cosmetic-related products to consumers should be listed under Shopping: Health: Beauty: Cosmetics, and general information about cosmetics should be listed under Health: Beauty: Cosmetics.
Make-up Artists are individuals focusing on the art of applying make-up, often offering a mobile service, or offering a specific date service such as make-up for a wedding party or other event. Can be artist in residence at a salon or a training facility, but not usually representing or being represented by these.
Please submit sites which serve and feature the particular services and portfolio of a Make-Up Artist. Accepted sites will provide information stating the area (cities or states) where the service is provided. It is preferable that this information also been indicated in the description submitted.