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The Consumer Goods and Services: Home and Garden sector category includes industries and companies focused on manufacturing, distributing and marketing finished products that will be used by the general public.

Producers and suppliers of materials, substances, components, machinery and other industrial technology used in the manufacture of specific consumer goods are listed under Consumer Goods and Services (e.g. a manufacture of fans for use in home appliances; or water heaters for consumer as well as commercial use).

Submissions directly to the Home and Garden category are not possible, so review the many sub-categories available and find the most appropriate one for the main product being sold on the site. Please be certain you have searched for the proper category before submitting the site.

If the site is not in English, please submit it to the proper language category in World, preferably the equivalent Business one.

Sites generally not listed in this category:
  • Online shopping: Sites that exist primarily to sell goods and services directly to the consumer should be listed in the Shopping category. See the Shopping category description for more detail.
  • Sites that focus on providing information to consumers are listed under Home: Consumer Information. See the Consumer Information FAQ for more information.
  • If the website serves only a limited geographic area, submit it to the proper locality listing within Regional. Duplicate listings, other than in Regional and one other branch, will not usually be considered.
The Appliances category focuses on the business of manufacturing and distribution of products related to home appliances.

Submit sites whose primary focus is the manufacturing, distributing and marketing of products related to home appliances.

Sites generally not listed in this category:
  • Online shopping: Sites that exist primarily to sell goods and services directly from the website to the consumer belong in the Shopping category. See the Shopping category description for more detail.
  • Local shopping: Sites that exist primarily to sell goods and services directly to consumers in a very limited geographic area -- like a single state (or equivalent), city, or metro area -- belong in the Regional category.
  • Consumer information: Non-commercial sites focused on providing consumer information about home appliances belong in the Home: Consumer Information: Appliances category. See the Consumer Information FAQ for more information.
This category is for professional associations dealing with home and garden products related matters. This can include organizations representing a range of products, services, or a commercial business sector, or developing professional standards, networking, and information exchange.
Manufacturers of ceramic items for the home.
Manufacturers and wholesale distributors of ceramic items for the home who sell products to other businesses can/may be listed here.

Manufacturers of ceramic items for the kitchen/dining room, home decor or outdoor use should submit their site to either Tableware , Decor and Design or under the appropriate category in Lawn and Garden.

Sites generally not listed in this category:

  • Online shopping: Sites that exist primarily to sell goods and services directly to the consumer should be listed in the Shopping category. See the Shopping category description for more detail.
  • Sites that focus on providing information to consumers are listed under Home: Consumer Information. See the Consumer Information FAQ for more information.
  • If the website serves only a limited geographic area, submit it to the proper locality listing within Regional. Duplicate listings, other than in Regional and one other branch, will not usually be considered.
Please take the time to find the most appropriate category for your submission, click on the link leading to that area, and then submit your site. This will allow your submission to be reviewed much sooner.

Please do NOT submit affiliate sites, mirror sites, non-English sites or sections of a larger site (deeplinks). Non-English sites should be sent to the correct category in World/.
Manufacturers and distributors of decorative items for the home.
Manufacturers and wholesale distributors of decorative items for the home who sell products to other businesses can/may be listed here.

Sites generally not listed in this category:

  • Online shopping: Sites that exist primarily to sell goods and services directly to the consumer should be listed in the Shopping category. See the Shopping category description for more detail.
  • Sites that focus on providing information to consumers are listed under Home: Consumer Information. See the Consumer Information FAQ for more information.
  • If the website serves only a limited geographic area, submit it to the proper locality listing within Regional. Duplicate listings, other than in Regional and one other branch, will not usually be considered.
Please take the time to find the most appropriate category for your submission, click on the link leading to that area, and then submit your site. This will allow your submission to be reviewed much sooner.

Please do NOT submit affiliate sites, mirror sites, non-English sites or sections of a larger site (deeplinks). Non-English sites should be sent to the correct category in World/.
Manufacturers and wholesale distributors of furniture for the home.
Manufacturers and wholesale distributors of furniture for the home who sell products to other businesses can/may be listed here.

Sites generally not listed in this category:

  • Online shopping: Sites that exist primarily to sell goods and services directly to the consumer should be listed in the Shopping category. See the Shopping category description for more detail.
  • Sites that focus on providing information to consumers are listed under Home: Consumer Information. See the Consumer Information FAQ for more information.
  • If the website serves only a limited geographic area, submit it to the proper locality listing within Regional. Duplicate listings, other than in Regional and one other branch, will not usually be considered.
Please take the time to find the most appropriate category for your submission, click on the link leading to that area, and then submit your site. This will allow your submission to be reviewed much sooner.

Please do NOT submit affiliate sites, mirror sites, non-English sites or sections of a larger site (deeplinks). Non-English sites should be sent to the correct category in World/.
Manufacturers or distributors of housewares for the kitchen and dining room.
Manufacturers or distributors of kitchen and dining housewares who sell products to other businesses can/may be listed here.

Sites generally not listed in this category:

  • Online shopping: Sites that exist primarily to sell goods and services directly to the consumer should be listed in the Shopping category. See the Shopping category description for more detail.
  • Sites that focus on providing information to consumers are listed under Home: Consumer Information. See the Consumer Information FAQ for more information.
  • If the website serves only a limited geographic area, submit it to the proper locality listing within Regional. Duplicate listings, other than in Regional and one other branch, will not usually be considered.
Please take the time to find the most appropriate category for your submission, click on the link leading to that area, and then submit your site. This will allow your submission to be reviewed much sooner.

Please do NOT submit affiliate sites, mirror sites, non-English sites or sections of a larger site (deeplinks). Non-English sites should be sent to the correct category in World/.
Manufacturers of lawn and garden items.
Manufacturers and distributors of lawn and garden items who sell products to other businesses can/may be listed here.

Sites generally not listed in this category:

  • Online shopping: Sites that exist primarily to sell goods and services directly to the consumer should be listed in the Shopping category. See the Shopping category description for more detail.
  • Sites that focus on providing information to consumers are listed under Home: Consumer Information. See the Consumer Information FAQ for more information.
  • If the website serves only a limited geographic area, submit it to the proper locality listing within Regional. Duplicate listings, other than in Regional and one other branch, will not usually be considered.
Please take the time to find the most appropriate category for your submission, click on the link leading to that area, and then submit your site. This will allow your submission to be reviewed much sooner.

Please do NOT submit affiliate sites, mirror sites, non-English sites or sections of a larger site (deeplinks). Non-English sites should be sent to the correct category in World/.
For sites of regularly issued online publications containing articles and illustrations, covering home and garden related matter.
Submit online versions of physical magazines as well as e-zines that contain articles, illustrations and content of interest to the consumer home and garden industry.

If site is not specific to the home and garden industry, please locate and submit the site to a better suited category.

No site is guaranteed placement in the directory. Misplaced submissions will often result in greatly delaying the review and possible listing of the site.

Manufacturers, wholesalers, and import/export companies specializing in storage furniture.


The Wholesale Trade sector comprises establishments engaged in wholesaling merchandise, generally without transformation, and rendering services incidental to the sale of merchandise. 
The wholesaling process is an intermediate step in the distribution of merchandise.  Wholesalers are organised to sell or arrange the purchase or sale of
(a) goods for resale (i.e. goods sold to other wholesalers or retailers),
(b) capital or durable non-consumer goods, and
(c) raw and intermediate materials and supplies used in production.
The Wholesale and Distribution categories contain sites of companies whose primary focus is to purchase goods and merchandise from producers and manufacturers and to sell them to re-sellers in bulk, according to the definition (a) above.

Sites for products that are meant for specific areas with subcategories in Home and Garden should be suggested to the most appropriate sub-category.

Companies that also sell to the general public will be considered in the Wholesale and Distribution category only if those sales are a MINOR part of company''s trading.  Double listing in both Shopping and other Business categories will be extremely rare, and considered on a case by case basis.
NO company whose primary focus is to sell to the general public will be listed in the Wholesale and Distribution category.

Those sites that aim to allow the consumer to select and obtain goods and services over the web belong in a sub-category of Shopping, and shall NOT be listed here.
NO company that produces or manufactures goods will be listed in the Wholesale and Distribution category, under any circumstances.  These sites should be suggested to the appropriate sector of the Home and Garden industry, even if that sector does not have a Manufacturing sub-category. 
Placement in this category tree should follow the guidance provided by the Business charter.