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This category is for the manufacturers of discrete semiconductor devices. For example diodes and FETs. Also the place for arrays of similar discrete components in one device.

The place for devices with more than one type of device is the Integrated Circuits category.

This category contains companies that manufacture custom semiconductors, semiconductor packaging, or fabricate wafers on a contract basis.
This category is for the manufacturers of discrete semiconductor devices. For example diodes and FETs. Also the place for arrays of similar discrete components in one device. The place for devices with more than one type of device is the Integrated Circuits category.
This category is for the manufacturers of discrete semiconductor devices. For example diodes and FETs. Also the place for arrays of similar discrete components in one device.

The place for devices with more than one type of device is the Integrated Circuits category.

This category includes listings for manufacturers of electronic integrated circuits.
This category includes listings for manufacturers of electronic integrated circuits.

Companies which specialize in linear devices should go into the Linear sub-category.

Companies which specialize in mixed signal devices should go in the Mixed Signal sub-category.

Companies which specialize in digital devices should go into the Digital sub-category.

Large companies which cross more than one category should be placed here.

Distributors should be placed in : Business: Industries: Manufacturing: Electronics: Distributors and Vendors

This category will list companies that manufacture or distribute materials or supplies used in the manufacture of semiconductors.
This category contains distributors, vendors and manufacturer's representatives of discrete and integrated circuit (IC) semiconductors. Discrete semiconductors include diode, magnetron, module, thermionic emission valves, thyristor, transistor and triacs. ICs include amplifiers, computational, drivers and interface, logic, memory, power supply and control, RF and video function, signal conversion, signal routing and conditioning and timing functions.
Optoelectronic components such as IR emitter receivers and opto isolators are to be submitted to the Optoelectronics category.

Distributors of semiconductor evaluation kits, development boards and sockets, heatsinks and accessories and other electronic components may be listed here only if semiconductors are the main focus or speciality of the business.