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This is the general category for all Solar commercial and business sites. It is subdivided up into categories for thermal (hot water heating etc) and electric (photovoltaics). This section also includes manufacturers, distributors, retailers, installers, consultants, and production equipment manufacturers for any of the associated industries. If you are not sure which subcategory you would best fit into, submit it here. Non-commercial Educational and information sites should submit under the similar Science/Technology category.
Consultants only, no businesses.
This category is for solar energy consultants only, not for businesses that also do consulting work. Those should be listed in the appropriate business section.
Electricity generated by conversion of sunlight. Typically a solar electric system consists of photovoltaic panels made up of multiple cells, and inverters to convert from DC (from cells) to AC (for house). Can also (but does not always) incorporate batteries, controllers, trackers, and racks. This category is for manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and service providers of solar electric products.
This category is for sellers, installers, and suppliers of solar electric (photovoltaic) systems and components. If you are a licensed solar installer please note for what state(s). The category is divided into a number of specific sub categories. Please try to submit your site to the category which best fits your product or service - it will help you get listed faster.
Includes all businesses concerned with solar heating and solar hot water. Also includes solar cooking apparatus.
Only business sites that deal primarily with solar heating and/or cooling should submit here. This includes hot water, pool heating, solar cookers, and solar hot air heating systems. This category also includes manufacturers or suppliers for those industries.