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Category is for insurance agents and marketers web sites which offer health insurance only.
Please find the appropriate subcategory, and only submit here if none exists. For agents and marketers who offer other types of insurance, as well as health, please submit to the appropriate subcategory of Business/Financial_Services/Insurance/Agents_and_Marketers/Multi-Line.
Category is for insurance agents and marketers web sites which offer dental insurance only.
Submit insurance agents and marketers web sites which offer dental insurance only. For agents and marketers who offer other types of health insurance, as well as dental, please submit to the appropriate regional subcategory of Business/Financial_Services/Insurance/Agents_and_Marketers/Health.
Category is for insurance agents and marketers web sites which offer disability insurance only.
Submit insurance agents and marketers web sites which offer disability insurance only. For agents and marketers who offer other types of health insurance, as well as disability, please submit to the appropriate regional subcategory of Business/Financial_Services/Insurance/Agents_and_Marketers/Health.
Category is for insurance agents and marketers web sites which offer health discount plans only. Discount plans are not actually insurance, but they are being listed here for visitors' convenience.
Submit insurance agents and marketers web sites which offer health discount plans only. For agents and marketers who offer other types of health insurance, as well as discount plans, please submit to the appropriate regional subcategory of Business/Financial_Services/Insurance/Agents_and_Marketers/Health.
For insurance agents and marketers web sites which offer long term care insurance only.
Submit insurance agents and marketers web sites which offer long term care insurance only. For agents and marketers who offer other types of health insurance, as well as long term care, please submit to the appropriate regional subcategory of Business/Financial_Services/Insurance/Agents_and_Marketers/Health.

For agents and marketers that provide insurance to a limited geographic area such as a single state, the site may be submitted only to the appropriate sub-category in Regional.

Category is for web sites of insurance agents and marketers offering individual or group health insurance that is qualified under IRS Regs for health savings accounts. A health savings account (HSA) is a combination of a high deductible health insurance policy and a tax-sheltered savings account that is used to pay qualified health expenses. A qualified health insurance policy is a prerequisite to opening and maintaining a health savings account at a financial institution.
Please submit only insurance agents and marketers web sites that offer health insurance that qualifies the insured for a health savings account. For agents and marketers that offer other types of health insurance, please submit to the appropriate regional subcategory of Business/Financial_Services/Insurance/Agents_and_Marketers/Health. To the extent that the submitted site attempts to explain contribution and withdrawal limits under current IRS Regs, please be sure that such information on the site is correct and up to date at all times.

Financial institutions that administer the accounts but do not market the actual qualified health insurance policies should be submitted to another cateory such as Business/Financial Services/Banking Services/Banks and Institutions. Similarly, investment related companies that administer health savings accounts but do not market the HSA qualified health insurance should submit to a different category such as Business/Financial Services/Investment Services. Discount plans that do not involve insurance should submit to Business/Financial Services/Insurance/Agents and Marketers/Health/Discount Plans.

Please do not submit sites that do not directly deal with the public due to the absence of an insurance license. For example, sites that merely collect private information that is then sold to a licensed agent should not be submitted. Likewise, sites that merely re-direct the user to another site should not be submitted.

Category is for insurance agents and marketers web sites in the United States which offer health insurance only.
Please submit sites which offer only health insurance in the United States. For sites which offer other lines of insurance, or are not in the United States, find the appropriate category in Business/Financial_Services/Insurance/Agents_and_Marketers.