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Companies that deal with other companies in the candy business.
Please suggest sites that deal with the production and distribution of (primarily) candy. These can be manufacturers, distributors or wholesalers. If you also sell to the general public you need to find the correct category in our Shopping category (see the related links in the category). We list sites in this category that are primarily candy focused. It is common to find candy businesses also dealing with other items. As long as the candy is the bulk of the site content, this is the right place. If it's very mixed, please submit to the category above.
Please use your company name as the site title, and write a short neutral description about what your product lines are, and what is on your site.
No sites are listed here. We have provided links to categories that have a "news and media" category based on the subject. This is done simply to make it easier for users to find a category.

If you don't find a "news and media" category for the topic you're interested in, simply suggest the website to the next higher category. For example if you want to suggest a website about chocolate news, suggest it to Business/Food_and_Related_Products/News_and_Media.

You'll see that there's a category about chocolate, but not about news & media for chocolate, but if you move up 1 category, it's a less specific category, for all food products, and you should suggest the news & media website about chocolate there.

For websites that are specifically about chocolate news and media. The site doesn't have to be entirely about chocolate, but should be mainly about it.

Please note this category is for the B2B side of chocolate making and selling. Sites specifically selling to individuals should be suggested to Shopping/Food/Confectionery/Chocolate/.