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Includes worksite/school/home design or modification for accessibility, architectural accommodations, structural adaptations, building/home ramps, home elevators, wheelchair lifts, pool lifts, bathroom changes, automatic door openers, expanded doorways, adapted furniture, adapted doorknobs, alternative doorbells, lowered counters, specially designed bath areas, etc.
This category is only for commercial sites selling disability-related products or services to the professional healthcare industry (hospitals, nursing homes, medical practices, etc.). If your site is targeted to the public/consumer and not the healthcare industry, please submit it to the appropriate category using the following guidelines:

This category is only for commercial sites selling disability-related products or services to the professional healthcare industry (hospitals, nursing homes, medical practices, etc.). If your site is targeted to the public/consumer and not the healthcare industry, please submit it to the appropriate category using the following guidelines:
This category is only for commercial sites selling disability-related products or services to the professional healthcare industry (hospitals, nursing homes, medical practices, etc.). If your site is targeted to the public/consumer and not the healthcare industry, please submit it to the appropriate category using the following guidelines: