Title: As your listing''s Title, please submit the exact name of your company including words such as Corp, Inc, Gmbh, LLC, or Ltd, but excluding slogans.
Description: For your Description, include the general set of optics you supply. A typical optical shop offers lenses, windows, and mirrors. You may highlight features that differentiate your shop from others; if you specialize in a certain type of optic like bonded optics, if you are ISO9001, if you have an extra large inventory of raw material, if you supply stock items, if you emphasize crystals or low-expansion glass. Or, if you''re simply what one expects from a optics shop (which is what a lot of visitors are looking for). Less is more.
Keywords: Do not overuse keywords listing your target market (since we are basically all after the same customers in the same markets in the same countries). Only include markets you are specifically set up for. For example, if you happen to have security clearances, then list defense.
Example: An appropriate Description would look like this: "Manufacturer of custom precision optics including lenses, prisms, mirrors, and filters. Specializing in miniature and micro-optics."