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This is the general category for all import and export related service companies, including agents, traders, consultants, trade portals and other intermediaries.

DO NOT submit to this category if you are one of the following:

1. A manufacturer - list your site in either a general BUSINESS category or a REGIONAL section specific to your industry. Example: an Indian manufacturer and exporter of industrial products should list in: Business/Industrial_Goods_and_Services/etc., or in Regional/Asia/India/Business/etc.

2. A shipper - please locate the appropriate category in the Business/Transportation_and_Logistics area

3. Distributor or wholesaler - list your site in either a general BUSINESS category or a REGIONAL section specific to your industry. Example: an Indian wholesaler and distributor should list in: Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/etc., Business/Wholesale_Trade, or in Regional/Asia/India/Business/etc.

4. A service oriented company with marginal involvement in import and export (e.g., insurance, general finance/banking, etc.) - locate the appropriate service category in BUSINESS or REGIONAL and list there

This category should contain General Business and Commerce Associations that deal with business between nations, to promote and facilitate Import and Export. General Business and Commerce Associations that deal specifically with business within a country, should be found at that country's regional business category, for example: Regional/North_America/Canada/Business_and_Economy/Associations/ Other Industry Specific Associations are found as a subcategory of the Industry such as Business/Industries/(Insert Industry Name)/Associations
This category is for Non Profit, educational and trade associations that deal with business between nations, to promote and facilitate Import and Export.

** This category is not for individual companies.

A directory is a guide or list of resources, not an individual business. Directories are compilation of websites containing comprehensive indexes or lists of general business resources, companies, and company related information. Users should be able to visit the listed directories and obtain information about business and commerce engaged in Import and Export Industry.
A directory is a guide or list of resources, not an individual business.

Sites containing products made or sold should be submitted to the most appropriate Business/Industries/ category. Sites mistakenly submitted to Business Directories will be moved or deleted at the editors discretion.

"A Resources directory is analogous to the Reference Room of a library." Resources which assist, or of use to persons involved in, or learning about the Import and Export Industry.
"A Resources directory is analogous to the Reference Room of a library."

*** Resource sites should provide information and assistance for the persons using them. ***

*** The primary purpose of a resource site should NOT be to sell a produce or service, but to provide information. ***

Please submit your company''s name as the title of the site. Keep your descriptions as specific and as short as possible. Factual descriptions are appreciated, marketing hype will be deleted.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory, any site still under construction, is submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, uses multiple URL''s for multiple submissions, that consists primarily of affiliate links to products, or is a just "cookie cutter front door" store, will be deleted.