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Contains web sites for organizations and companies that provide services for companies engaged in business on an International scale.

* Services that are specific to a certain industry or region should be listed in their appropriate regional or industry category.

* Import and Export related services should be directed to the appropriate category under: Business/International_Business_and_Trade/Import_and_Export/

*** Incorrect submissions require moving your submission to another category queue where the site may again sit for some time waiting its' turn to be reviewed. A few minutes spent finding the closest category match can save much time waiting for a listing.

If your web site is;

1. Internationally focused.

2. In the business of providing services to International Businesses.

3. Not a mirror site.

4. Not an Import/Export related entity

5. Not an industry/ product specific manufacturer, representative, or service.

You should submit here!!

Sites listed here will provide information about International Business and Trade Services without offering services themselves.

Please use the @linked categories for sites about associations, trade boards, directories etc.

This category lists web sites which provide English language marketing related services for those involved in international business.
If your web site is;

1. Internationally focused

2. In the business of providing international marketing services to businesses

3. Not a mirror site

You should submit here!!

This category is for businesses which are in the English language, and cater to International Businesses and their employees for business related travel only.
Please submit ONLY if your business caters to International Businesses and their employees in an official capacity, and are in the English language.