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Non profit, educational and trade associations that inform, enable, and support the development and maintenance of marketing related businesses. Associations that deal specifically with business within a locality, should be found at that locality's regional business category. Associations that deal specifically with business within a country, should be found at that country's regional business category, for example: Regional/North_America/Canada/Business_and_Economy/Associations/
Please submit your association''s name as the title of the site. Keep your descriptions as specific and as short as possible. Factual descriptions are appreciated, marketing hype will be deleted.
Marketing associations founded by academic organizations
There are an enormous number of marketing associations in the academic environment. Some of the world''s top-rated business schools have founded marketing associations that have a substantial influence on the business world.
Sites relating to the American Marketing Association (AMA) are listed in this category. If you know of a chapter site for the AMA which is not listed, submit it. This category is not for companies, and not for anything other than American marketing Association sites.
AMA Professional Chapter sites are listed in the following way:

Title: AMA State - City or Region

Description - Should describe what one will find on the site, including, but not limited to: membership forms, newsletters, job listings, event schedules, publications, and marketing directories.

Sites relating to the Business Marketing Association (BMA) are listed in this category. If you know of a chapter site for the BMA which is not listed, submit it. This category is not for companies, and not for anything other than Business Marketing Association sites.
BMA Professional Chapter sites are listed in the following way:

Title: Name of chapter (Format may vary from chapter to chapter. Use the official name as listed on site, with acronym in parentheses after name.)

Description - Should describe what one will find on the site, especially anything that differentiates the site from other BMA chapter sites.