If you are a site designer, builder, promoter, submission service, even if the words marketing appear on your site or in your business name, this does not make you an Internet Marketer automatically.
This would be for companies who do needs assessment, market research, production design and development, pricing and product cycles and positioning, government and regulatory issues, focus groups, identity development, media planning and development, long range activities ...
In other words, a well established company or consultant with verifiable expertise and contacts. Marketing does not happen, every inch is planned with contingencies for every plan. Many of these sites have case studies of current or past clientele.
If you are a site designer, builder, promoter, submission service, even if the words marketing appear on your site or in your business name, this does not make you an Internet Marketer automatically.
This would be for companies who do needs assessment, market research, production design and development, pricing and product cycles and positioning, government and regulatory issues, focus groups, identity development, media planning and development, long range activities ...
In other words, a well established company or consultant with verifiable expertise and contacts. Marketing does not happen, every inch is planned with contingencies for every plan. Many of these sites have case studies of current or past clientele.
Internet market research is a process of specifying and locating information to make business decisions related to the Internet. It can include designing methods for collecting data into the Internet, managing and implementing data collection, analyzing results, communicating findings, and/or consulting on the trends and implications of Internet market research findings.
Many sites CONDUCT research on the Internet into a broad range of topics. Although they use the Internet as a tool, these sites are not about "Internet Marketing" and do not belong in this category.
This category lists sites related to Internet market research -- market research INTO the Internet.
This category does not list sites related to market research conducted ON the Internet, such as online panels and surveys, unless the site is primarily used to gather market data specifically about the Internet.
Sites that offer Internet usage/statistics or firms that provide market research services into the Internet should submit to this category.
Sites that conduct online market research, such as surveys, that cover a range of topics which are not Internet-specific, should submit to Business/Marketing_and_Advertising/Market_Research/Online_Surveys.Sites related to traditional market research services should submit to Business/Marketing_and_Advertising/Market_Research.
Web design companies should submit to a Web Design Category
Search engine positioning and optimization companies should submit to the search engine positioning categories
Please read the site listing guidelines prior to submission.
The name of your company should be the only thing in the title field of your submission form unless you want your site to sit in unreviewed until those that did follow the guidelines get reviewed first.
Sites titles will include the name of the company or site. The title used will be that used in the logo and any references to the company on the site. No tag-lines, and no descriptions will be listed in the title. The description will be brief (no more than 25 words) it will be factual, objective, and describe the content on the site.
Submissions that follow the guidelines and accurately reflect the content of the site are likely to get listed more quickly. Submissions that do not conform to guidelines slow down the listing process for everyone.
For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:
Title: Name of Business or Organization
Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.