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Sites listed in this category include information resources of interest to a businessperson. Sites should not solely focus on promoting a business enterprise (e.g. a company's web site), or selling a product or service. Sites listed directly under Business/Resources should provide a comprehensive overview of the field of Business. The information contained in these sites should cover multiple areas of business. Resources typically include search engines *and* directory information. They usually provide directories, FAQs, chats, forums, news, publications, etc. all on one site. Sites that are solely directories or search engines should be placed in either the Directories or Search_Engines subcategories. -- rdkeating25, updated 6/16/00
Sites listed directly under Business/Resources should provide a comprehensive overview of the field of Business. The information contained in these sites should cover multiple areas of business. Resources typically include search engines *and* directory information. They usually provide directories, FAQs, chats, forums, news, publications, etc. all on one site. Sites that are solely directories or search engines should be placed in either the Directories or Search_Engines subcategories. -- rdkeating25, updated 6/16/00
Sites with details of national and international business events such as exhibitions, trade shows, seminars, conferences and expositions.
N.B. Only submit sites to this category if they include a DIARY LISTING of forthcoming business events. Sites offering exhibition services should submit their site to the appropriate category. Please do not submit details of single events to this category.
This category will list the URLs that describe Business operating standards and Codes as well as the companies that provide services to implement and/or maintain these standards and codes. Examples of standards are the ISO standards and an example of codes are Building, Construction and Fire codes.