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There are thousands of companies that manufacture products from fibers without utilizing any weaving, knitting or moulding technologies, which is why those products cannot be called textiles, plastics or papers. They use one or another, or a mixture of several nonwoven technologies, and they are making nonwoven products. For an excellent description of the various technologies in use with the nonwovens industry, please go to:|edana_nonwovens&story=making.xml This main page will not list sites. If your company applies more than one manufacturing technology, please submit your site in Diversified Technologies to the regional sub-category which suites your company. Companies which utilise one main technology should submit to the proper sub-category available. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please note that this category lists manufacturers of nonwovens only, not companies which manufacture products for home and industrial uses FROM nonwovens.

The latter will find suitable categories elsewhere in Business/ which are related to the industry they serve.

This category lists manufacturers of artificial or imitation leather, using nonwoven or textile fabric substrates.
This category lists trade organizations for the nonwovens industry only.
This category lists consultancies specialising in the nonwovens industry.
This category lists nonwovens manufacturing companies which utilise a variety of technologies, and is sub-categorised regionally for ease of use. Please, submit your site to the regional sub-category most appropriate to your company. Thank you for your cooperation.
Most manufacturers of nonwovens are quite versatile in the use of production technologies. That makes it impossible to categorise them into specific categories. On the other hand, the sheer number of these companies would create a page of links seemingly without end. Therefore, the Diversified Technologies category is sub-categorised by region, and the company sites are listed in the region in which their headquarters are located.
This category list companies active in the import and export of nonwoven rollgoods only.
Without the great efforts of machine and equipment manufacturers, to provide the nonwovens industry with innovative solutions in order to improve production efficiency and versatility, we would probably all still be producing carpet underlays. The financial and intellectual investments put into the mechanics of making nonwovens, have made the growth of the nonwovens industry into one of the most dynamic and sophisticated industries a fact of today's life. This category lists nonwovens machinery and auxiliary equipment manufacturers only.
This category lists companies dedicated to the utilization of the needlepunch and pressed felt technologies, or for which the production of needlepunch and pressed felt fabrics and end products is their main business. For a more specific listing, please scroll down and submit your site to the appropriate sub-category.
This category lists companies which maintain spunbond, spunlace and meltblown technologies as their primary production technologies.
This category lists manufacturers of stitchbond fabric only.
This category lists nonwovens manufacturers which utilize the thermobond technology as their sole or primary production method.
This category lists companies utilizing the dry-laid webforming technology, or for which this technology is their core production technique.