Do Not
Please don''t submit your website if you do not provide instructor-led training. Computer-based training (CBT) companies should submit to Online Training. Companies that provide CDs, videos, and other self-study media should submit their sites to Self-Study.
- Please don''t include descriptions that include phrases like "and More!!", "the BEST", and other marketing verbiage.
- PLEASE DON''T SUBMIT A DESCRIPTION IN ALL CAPS or crammed with keywords. (Example: "computer training, software training, instructor-led training, MCSE, A+, DBA, CIW"
- Please don''t submit more than one page on your site.
- Please don''t submit more than one time. Submissions found in duplicate are usually deleted.
- Please submit to one of the available sub-categories that is appropriate for your website. Sites submitted directly to the main Training Companies category may take longer to process.
- Please submit your website if you provide instructor-led training.
- Please submit the name of your training company as your title.
- Please submit a short description of the primary service(s) your training company provides.
- Please include in your description the unabbreviated country and sate/province where your company provides training services.
- Please submit your main URL and not the URL of a subpage of your website.
Adhering to these suggestions will greatly increase your chances of getting listed in a timely fashion. Thanks for your cooperation.
For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:
Title: Name of Business or Organization
Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.
Please submit sites to this category that offer location-based training courses that are customized for specific clients or industries.
Companies that offer online training of any kind should submit their websites to the most appropriate category or subcategory of these:
Reference:Education:Distance_Learning:Online_CoursesWebsites for companies that offer training delivered via books, videos or audiocassettes should be listed in Self-Study.