Sites with pornographic content will not be listed in this category, even if they are animation-based. Please submit such sites to the relevant sub-category in Adult: Arts: Visual Arts.
Submit sites that transact online business related to Animation to Shopping: Visual Arts: Computer Graphics.
Animation research related sites could be submitted to Computers: Computer Science: Computer Graphics.
If you feel that your site is relevant to this category, but is in a language other than English, you can submit it to the appropriate sub-category in the World hierarchy.
The Open Directory Project ( ODP ) is a comprehensive directory of the web, relying on volunteer editors to cope with the volume of websites. We would appreciate it if you take the time to find the right category to submit your site in.
1. Actively updated news, reviews and analyses related to the 2D, 3D and web animation industry.
2. Resources for animators, like tutorials, sample models, and texture libraries.