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Cables may refer to a number of different types of wires or groups of wires capable of carrying audio or data transmissions. This category is for informational sites about computing related cables.

Manufacturers are listed in the relevant subcategory. Retailers are listed in the Shopping category @linked.

Please only suggest informational sites / discussion forums relating to computing cabling to this category.

The websites of manufacturers who make computer cables should be suggested to the manufacturers subcategory.

The websites of businesses that sell computer cables should be suggested to: Shopping: Consumer Electronics: Accessories: Cables. If you sell computer cables from a physical shop and don''t sell online - you should suggest your site to the relevant category for your local town in the Regional branch instead.

This category is for sites providing FAQs and tutorials related to computer cabling (business of consumer focused).
This category is for sites providing FAQs and tutorials related to computer cabling (business of consumer focused).

Informational sites that are not FAQs or tutorials focused should be suggested to the parent category.

This category is for manufacturers of all types of computer cabling

This category is for manufacturers of computing cables only.

  • Companies, that in addition to cables produce other electromechanical products should be suggested to: Business/Electronics_and_Electrical/Electromechanical
  • The websites of companies that manufacture custom / OEM cables should be suggested to: Computers/Hardware/Cables/Manufacturers/Custom_Cable_Assembly
  • The websites of businesses that sell computer cables should be suggested to: Shopping/Consumer_Electronics/Accessories/Cables
  • The websites of manufacturers of audio cables should be suggested to: Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/Electronics/Audio/Accessories/Cables
  • The websites of manufacturers of video cables should be suggested to: Business/Consumer_Goods_and_Services/Electronics/Video/Cables
  • The websites of manufacturers of industrial cable and wire should be suggested to: Business/Industrial_Goods_and_Services/Cable_and_Wire