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Resources about and for Internet Service Providers (ISPs)... companies which provide access to the Internet, via dialup connections, leased lines, etc. NOTE that entries for actual ISPs should be added under the REGIONAL category for the parts of the world they serve (for instance, National ISPs in the U.S.A. would go under Regional/USA). Sites that do not offer Internet access, such as companies that specialize in web hosting and domain name registration, don't belong under here since they have their own Open Directory category elsewhere. If you find another good worldwide list of ISPs, you can add that under Regional. ISP lists that only deal with some portion of the world should be added under the category for the parts of the world they cover. You may want to add "[ISPLIST]" to the beginning of the title of the site, to set it apart from the normal listings.

Please Read this Before Submitting Your Site

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are listed only in sub-categories of this main category. If your company that provides individuals and companies access to the Internet via dialup connections, leased lines, and so forth, please look below this category for the appropriate sub-category and submit your site there.

All Internet Service Providers (ISPs) that provide access to the Internet, are listed in the By Region category and sub-categories.

This category and its sub-categories are for English language sites. Sites in other languages should be submitted to the most appropriate category in World

If your company''s primary services are in web hosting and domain name registration, please submit instead to Web_Design_and_Development.

If your services are primarily web design, please submit instead to the most appropriate category in Web Designers.

Following these guidelines will help prevent delays in having your site listed.


With over 30 million members, America Online is the undisputed online service. This category includes both official AOL sites and others pertaining to the company. AOL member sites, such as Hometown, are placed in categories relating to their content.
Only submit sites that enable features not found in the AOL software itself or add and/or enhances features in the AOL Suite of programs
Internet Access Providers providing high speed access to specific buildings, typically via Ethernet.
Note, if your submission is not for a BLEC and instead provides service to a regional area, the proper category is By Region.
The sites listed in this category provide broadband Internet service, and in many cases provide cable television. Please submit only retail sites offering broadband Internet connections for home or business.

This category is for English Language sites only. Sites in other languages should be submitted to the most appropriate category in
Find services associated with Christian Internet Service Providers, commonly known as a 'Christian ISP'.

This category lists Christian Internet Service Providers that provide Internet access with website content filtering to block pornography etc. Also lists other category related services.

If your web content does not identify as being Christian affiliated, then please submit to the Filtered Internet Service Providers category instead. Thank you.

An ISP Directory is a site which lists multiple ISPs and ISP services. ISP Directories make searching for a new ISP easier and quicker than visiting and comparing ISPs on many different sites.

To be listed in the Computers/Internet/Access_Providers/Directories category, a site must meet the following guidelines:

  • Must list multiple ISPs.
  • Must include information for Each ISP (services offered, areas covered, etc.)
  • ISP Detail pages must link to the ISPs site. (links to other sites that in turn link to ISP site not accepted -- this means affiliate links!)

This category is NOT for ISPs to list their services. Please only list your site if it falls into this category.

Directory sites which only list NATIONAL ISPs and neglect to list _local_ or _regional_ ISPs are not likely to get a listing on the basis that the list is quite incomplete. There are only a handful of national providers but many local ones. To see the same set of national providers listed in most every locality is a dead giveaway that the directory is a sham.

Other categories closely related to Computers/Internet/Access_Providers/Directories:


This category provides general DSL information from DSL service providers. DSL Internet access providers are listed under the appropriate By_Region link.
Find services associated with Filtered Internet Service Providers, also known as a 'Filtered ISP'.

This category lists Filtered Internet Service Providers that provide Internet access with website content filtering to block pornography etc. Also lists other category related services.

Directory of totally free Internet access service providers and or unique/useful guides.
Please only submit unique, informative and otherwise useful sites. Services must be free, without hidden costs, membership requirements, or misleading/misrepresenting statements.
Organizations working in the internet access industry.
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) go here ... companies which provide access to the Internet, via dialup connections, leased lines, etc. Web hosting companies, etc., go elsewhere in this directory.
Resources for Internet Service providers consist of any products or services that an ISP can use within their business. The term ISP for this category is uses loosely, and consists of companies offering dialup, broadband (point to point, DSL, wireless, satellite, etc.), web hosting, or virtually any IP based service.
Please only submit sites that are resources for ISPs. If the site is an ISP itself, please visit the Access Providers category instead.
Satellite internet access provider
UNIX based shell providers and other related resources.
Please include the following information when submitting: operating system or distribution, connection bandwidth, IRC policies (no IRC at all, bots/BNC restrictions), and compiler/interpreter policies of shell providers.

Please make sure to list your city, state (if not in the US please list proper address information) along with your coverage areas. Information should be verifiable at the submitted URL, if it is not please wait to submit the URL.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Business or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.