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A directory of Internet sites that help people communicate and interact with each other. These sites feature services such as message forums, chat rooms, email and other messaging services. They may also feature online games and other ways for user to interact. These sites offer the users a hub for a specific subject and have information and other resources there. Subject-specific communities should be listed with the subject category. For shortcuts to some of these, see By Subject.
This category is often considered catch-all, so we've made strict submission guidelines.

Subject-specific communities or clubs should be listed with the subject category. Regional communities should be listed with the regional category. Communities whose participation uses languages other than English should be listed under the World category.

Consider as well whether the site is better listed in Chat, Bulletin Boards, Mailing Lists or Message Boards.

The community must be active: A community member must have posted on the week the site is reviewed. Chat sites submissions must have member persistence, i.e., most participants are regulars and have member profiles.

In short, only active, global, persistent communities, written in English, are accepted.

We repeat: If your community has a subject, uses a foreign language, has a target or has a focus, they are listed elsewhere, not here.

Suggesting inappropriate sites to this category will only delay their review and potential listing by editors.

Online Communities are usually classified by topic.
First, please search the entire directory for your featured topics and see if they have a "Chats and Forums" subcategory. Submit your category there.

If your site is focused more on a geographical region than a topic, search the Regional tree for your locality. Submit your category there.

If your members almost always use a language other than English, search the World tree under that language.

If nothing above works, then submit your site to "Computers: Internet: Cyberspace: Online Communities" so that it may be categorized appropriately.

Tutorials, guides, literature, tools, and people that help in planning, setting up and running an online community.
Please consider first whether the topics in the See Also links of this category are more appropriate for your site as a whole.
Websites that run the online community sections for other websites.

The hosting site must, at the minimum, provide both chat and message board facilities. The site must be hosting at least two community sites during the time it is reviewed.

These communities must be active: a community member must have posted on the week the site is reviewed.

Otherwise, the hosting site is welcome in Computers: Internet: Web_Design_and_Development: Hosting, not here. Please do not waste your time.

This category only accepts sites or pages that comprise an annotated list of online communities.
Only very generic social communities will be listed here. Anything with a niche or focus should be listed in the most relevant category in the directory.

A social networking site offers users a place to post their goals, interests and personal information, then interact with others. There may be an area for a blog or web page, as well as a place to add photos. Most social networking sites are free, and open to the general public. Some are private, or are designed for the use of those with a common interest.

Please submit only sites that are in the English language. Sites not in English should be submitted to the appropriate category in World under the appropriate language.

Only very generic social communities will be listed here. Anything with a niche or focus should be listed in the most relevant category in the directory.

Software, tools and resources for webmasters for adding an online community to their web server.
Remotely-hosted facilities and Application Service Provision (ASP) services should go to Online Communities: Community Providers, even if they require participants to install plug-ins or other software.

Please indicate the software and operating system requirements and whether the company provides remote hosting services.