My Account
Contains designers whose main focus is dynamic web site design.
Who Belongs in This Category?

Designers whose main focus is dynamic web site design. Services could include:

  • Flash, and Shockwave
  • DHTML and XML
  • Java, CGI, Perl and other programming languages
  • ASP, MySQL, PHP, Cold Fusion and other database languages
Companies which do not specialize heavily in these services may belong in Full Service.

How to Title your Site and Submit to the Correct Category:

  • Sites in this area should be titled using the name of the company
Place sites in categories according to the first letter in the company name.

How to Write your Description:

  • Only submit sites that are in English. Non-English sites should be submitted to the appropriate country under World.
  • Do not type in capitals, nor capitalize all nouns.
  • Do not include a list of keywords.
  • Do not include your products.
  • Do not write a sales pitch.
The description should describe, or list, the services you offer.
  • Do NOT include superlatives ("We''re the best, "The greatest website...", "We''re #1..., etc.).
  • The description should be in English, in coherent sentence form, and free from mistakes.
  • Do not use unnecessary capitalization, or include HTML tags.
  • Submit to only ONE category.
  • Submit to the one best category possible.

Following these guidelines will assist us in listing your site as quickly as possible.