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.NET components, controls and assemblies used by developers to create .NET Applications
This category is for components that have been specifically created for the .NET platform. COM components should be submitted to Computers: Programming: Component Frameworks: COM: Components.

.NET controls that primarily render UI elements should be submitted to the appropriate subcategory.

Controls that create charts in .NET
Please submit controls that perform charting tasks and chart rendering.
.NET components for performing compression tasks.
Please submit .NET components that perform compression tasks.
Controls and Control Frameworks for content management.
Please submit controls and control frameworks for content management and portal applications.
Components designed to connect and manipulate data sources in .NET.
Please submit .NET components used to connect to and manipulate a data source.
.NET Components that perform image file rendering tasks.
Please submit components that can render and manipulate images.
Controls that perform reporting tasks.
Please submit controls that perform reporting tasks.
Controls that render portions of a User Interface in a .NET WebForm application.
Please submit only .NET Controls that render a User Interface within WebForm applications. Controls that render a User Interface within WinForm applications should be placed in Computers: Programming: Component Frameworks: NET: Tools: Components: WinForm Controls.
Controls that render portions of a User Interface in a .NET WinForm application.
Please submit only .NET Controls that render a User Interface within WinForm applications. Controls that render a User Interface within WebForm applications should be placed in Computers: Programming: Component Frameworks: NET: Tools: Components: WebForm Controls.


.NET components designed specifically for manipulating XML data.
Please submit components that focus on XML data manipulation.